Colombia demographic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-t722hg80m. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Colombia economic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-pg15bm88x. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Colombia housing data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-jq085r97b. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Colombia migration data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-dz010x052. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Colombia social data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-9593v212m. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Caribbean America. TIFF. [Washington, D.C. : Central Intelligence Agency], 1986. princeton-dv13zv863. 1986. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. "800371 7-86." Relief shown by shading and spot heights. "Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative.".
A map of MEXICO or NEW SPAIN FLORIDA now called LOUISIANA and Part of CALIFORNIA &c. JPEG 2000. stanford-xy324jt5865. 1711. Moll, Herman, d. 1732. First issued in: Atlas geographus: or, a compleat system of geography, ancient and modern . Vol.5, [p.796a] / by Herman Moll. -- [London]: J. Nutt,...
Nighttime Lights of Latin America and the Caribbean - Human Settlements, 1994-1995. GeoTIFF. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. stanford-vt902fz3161. 2009. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. This map shows light sources from human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean as observed during 1994-1995. The Defense Meteorological Sat...
Argentina migration data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcw9505b06r. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official migration data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).
Argentina demographic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcrj430g155. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official demographic data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).