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latin america census paraguay Remove constraint latin america census paraguay

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1. Paraguay economic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay economic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-h128nn86b. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

2. Paraguay migration data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay migration data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-w6634b79g. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

3. Paraguay transportation data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay transportation data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-0z709461n. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

4. Paraguay demographic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay demographic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-4q77g051w. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

5. Paraguay social data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay social data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-mp48sm931. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

6. Paraguay housing data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay housing data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-rf55zg853. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

7. Caribbean America

Princeton University Public content Caribbean America. TIFF. [Washington, D.C. : Central Intelligence Agency], 1986. princeton-dv13zv863. 1986. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. "800371 7-86." Relief shown by shading and spot heights. "Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative.".

8. Paraguay Census 2002

Collection Stanford University Public content Paraguay Census 2002. stanford-yj250bx9413. 2018. East View Cartographic, Inc and Paraguay. División de Estadística y Censos. This collection contains shapefiles representing key statistics from the 2002 Census of Paraguay. The original questionairre along with other suppo...

10. Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay : cum adjacentibus

Princeton University Public content Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay : cum adjacentibus. TIFF. [London : John Ogilby, 1671]. princeton-4x51hm46n. 1671. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Relief shown pictorially. Includes "Notularum explicatio." From: America, being the latest, and most accurate description of the New World ... / by...

11. Nighttime Lights of Latin America and the Caribbean - Human Settlements, 1994-1995

Raster Stanford University Public content Nighttime Lights of Latin America and the Caribbean - Human Settlements, 1994-1995. GeoTIFF. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. stanford-vt902fz3161. 2009. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. This map shows light sources from human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean as observed during 1994-1995. The Defense Meteorological Sat...

12. Argentina migration data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina migration data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcw9505b06r. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official migration data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

13. Argentina demographic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina demographic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcrj430g155. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official demographic data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

14. Argentina employment data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina employment data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dccc08hs21j. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official employment data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

15. Argentina education data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina education data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dch128nr30f. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official education data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

16. Argentina housing data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina housing data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcms35tm23r. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official housing data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

17. Guyana housing data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana housing data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-ks65hm35f. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

18. Guyana social data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana social data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-3t945z930. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

19. Guyana economic data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana economic data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-qj72pg280. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

20. Guyana transportation data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana transportation data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-02871402z. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

21. Uruguay migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-9s161f33z. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

22. Uruguay housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-q237j111w. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

23. Uruguay economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-2b88qm34p. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

24. Uruguay transportation data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay transportation data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-k930c5205. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

25. Uruguay social data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay social data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-fj236926h. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

26. Uruguay demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-6395wg258. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

27. Colombia demographic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia demographic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-t722hg80m. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

28. Colombia economic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia economic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-pg15bm88x. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

29. Colombia housing data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia housing data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-jq085r97b. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

30. Colombia migration data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia migration data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-dz010x052. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

31. Colombia social data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia social data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-9593v212m. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

32. Chile social data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile social data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-tx31qr84m. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

33. Chile economic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile economic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-q524jw919. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

34. Peru social data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru social data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-37720m89d. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

35. Peru migration data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru migration data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-m900p258v. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

36. Venezuela social data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela social data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-db78tm211. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

37. Peru economic data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru economic data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-br86bb72k. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

38. Venezuela economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-x920g504f. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

39. Chile housing data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile housing data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-bz60d4410. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

40. Chile migration data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile migration data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-76537850n. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

41. Venezuela housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-sj139913v. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

42. Chile transportation data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile transportation data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-zp38wm78s. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

43. Venezuela transportation data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela transportation data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-j098zk30x. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

44. Peru housing data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru housing data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-gh93h6673. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

45. Venezuela demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-2227mx843. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

46. Chile demographic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile demographic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-3f462d60j. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

47. Venezuela migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-ns064f228. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

48. Peru demographic data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru demographic data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-70795g80r. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

49. Nicaragua migration data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua migration data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-2801pq49z. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

50. Nicaragua housing data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua housing data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-9s161f32g. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

51. Nicaragua economic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua economic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-6108vk41s. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

52. Nicaragua demographic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua demographic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-pz50h426r. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

53. Nicaragua transportation data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua transportation data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-k643b832z. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

54. Nicaragua social data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua social data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-ff365d41c. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

55. Argentina social data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina social data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-z029pb71b. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

56. Argentina housing data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina housing data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-6d5703605. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

57. Argentina demographic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina demographic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-fx719t474. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

58. Argentina economic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina economic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-b5644z54t. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

59. Argentina migration data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina migration data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-2n49t769m. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

60. Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay

Image Stanford University Public content Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay. JPEG 2000. printed by the author. stanford-wb736np8561. 1671. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Relief shown pictorially. Latitudinal and longitudinal lines along margins. Prime meridian: Cape Verde Key in upper right: Notularum explicatio. Im...

61. South America (southern sheet)

Princeton University Public content South America (southern sheet). TIFF. [Edinburgh ; London : W. & A. K. Johnston, 1884]. princeton-t435gg44w. 1884. Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871. Map of southern South America; relief shown by hachures. Plate 75 from: The royal atlas of modern geography ... / by Alexander Keith Johnston. Edin...

62. El Salvador housing data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador housing data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-mg74qt09h. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

63. Dominican Republic demographic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic demographic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-hq37vv57q. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

64. Dominican Republic housing data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic housing data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-8623j4732. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

65. Dominican Republic migration data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic migration data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-4j03d5645. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

66. Dominican Republic social data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic social data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-0r967973d. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

67. El Salvador economic data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador economic data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-r781wp02p. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

68. El Salvador social data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador social data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-c247f0085. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

69. El Salvador transportation data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador transportation data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-79408416z. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

70. El Salvador demographic data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador demographic data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-w0892h93t. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

71. El Salvador migration data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador migration data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-gq67jz17f. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

72. Dominican Republic economic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic economic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-cz30q064d. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

73. Costa Rica demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-5d86p6211. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

74. Costa Rica economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-1r66j711n. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

75. Costa Rica social data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica social data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-ng451q507. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

76. Costa Rica migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-s7526k40b. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

77. Costa Rica housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-x059cf32j. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

78. Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Princeton University Public content Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. TIFF. [Chicago] : Rand, McNally & Co., c1904. princeton-02870z32v. 1904. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures. In margin of map: Rand-McNally indexed atlas. [Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay]. 338-339. Includes inset...

79. Typus geographicus : Chili, Paraguay, Freti Magellanici &c.

Princeton University Public content Typus geographicus : Chili, Paraguay, Freti Magellanici &c. TIFF. Norib. [Nuremberg] : Editoribus Homannianis Heredibus, 1733. princeton-1544br53b. 1733. Ovalle, Alonso de, 1601-1651. Relief shown pictorially; depth shown by soundings. Includes inset of the Strait of Magellan.

80. Il Paraguai, Uraguai, e Rio della Plata

Princeton University Public content Il Paraguai, Uraguai, e Rio della Plata. TIFF. Venezia : Presso Antonio Zatta, e figli, 1795. princeton-n009w4739. 1795. Zatta, Antonio, active 1757-1797. Map of Paraguay, Uruguay and a portion of Argentina; relief shown pictorially. From: Atlante novissimo. Venezia [Venice] : Presso Antonio Zatta, 17...

81. Rand, McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world map of Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Princeton University Public content Rand, McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world map of Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. TIFF. [Chicago] : Rand, McNally & Co., c1892. princeton-12579v705. 1892. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes inset: Southern portion of Chile and Argentine Republic (scale ca. 1:9,000,000]). Running title...

82. A new and accurate map of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Tucumania Guaria &c.

Princeton University Public content A new and accurate map of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Tucumania Guaria &c. TIFF. [London : F. Innys, 1757?]. princeton-tt44pq305. 1757. Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767. Relief shown pictorially. In lower left margin: No. 127. Probably issued in: A complete atlas, or distinct view of the known world. London : For W....

83. The Rand-McNally new library atlas map of Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Princeton University Public content The Rand-McNally new library atlas map of Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. [Chicago] : Rand, McNally & Co., c1912. princeton-v979v5522. 1912. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures. Includes inset of Southern portion of Chile and Argentine Republic. Page 39 and 40 of "Library Atlas of the World.".

84. Mapa Guaraní Continental : localización de las comunidades Guaraní en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay / mapa elaborado en el ámbito de la Campaña Guaraní por Alicia Rolla, (SA) ; Camila Salles ; Wolfgang Grünberg.

Princeton University Restricted content Mapa Guaraní Continental : localización de las comunidades Guaraní en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay / mapa elaborado en el ámbito de la Campaña Guaraní por Alicia Rolla, (SA) ; Camila Salles ; Wolfgang Grünberg. [São Paulo, Brasil] : Instituto Socioambiental, 2016. princeton-dcr494vx937. 2016. Rolla, Alicia. Relief shown by shading. Shows the location of the Guaraní communities, international and administrative boundaries, roads and railroads. Map on ...

85. Paraguay, ó Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la Sierra

Princeton University Public content Paraguay, ó Prov. de Rio de la Plata cum regionibus adiacentibus Tucuman et Sta. Cruz de la Sierra. TIFF. Amstelodami : Guiljelmus Blaeuw excudit, [1642?]. princeton-2v23vw849. 1642. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. Relief shown pictorially. German text on verso: Die Provinz von Rio de la Plata, sampt den beyligenden Landen. Signature: P. Probably issued in: No...

86. Carte de la Terre Ferme, du Perou, du Bresil, et du pays des Amazones : dressée sur les descriptions de Herrera, de Laet, et des P.P. d'Acuña, et M. Rodriguez et sur plusieurs rélations et observations posterieurs

Princeton University Public content Carte de la Terre Ferme, du Perou, du Bresil, et du pays des Amazones : dressée sur les descriptions de Herrera, de Laet, et des P.P. d'Acuña, et M. Rodriguez et sur plusieurs rélations et observations posterieurs. TIFF. [Paris] : Ph. Buache, 30 Av. 1745. princeton-70795b08c. 1745. L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. Relief shown pictorially. L'Isle plate with author's original 1703 imprint in title cartouche and Renard imprint excised. Buache imprint is at lowe...

87. A map of the United States of Mexico

Image Stanford University Public content A map of the United States of Mexico. JPEG 2000. H.S. Tanner, No. 177 Chestnut St. ,. stanford-pn863fv0810. 1800. Tanner, Henry Schenck, 1786-1858. by H. S. Tanner. Relief shown by hachures. Latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Prime meridian: Washington. Coordinates approximate and based on Gre...

88. Costa Rica. (1991/relief).

Princeton University Public content Costa Rica. (1991/relief). . TIFF. Central Intelligence Agency. princeton-fj236354d. 1991. Central Intelligence Agency. This is a map of Costa Rica with relief, shown at a 1:1,500,000 scale. The map was created by the Central Intelligence Agency.

89. Costa Rica summary map. (1991/relief).

Princeton University Public content Costa Rica summary map. (1991/relief). . TIFF. Central Intelligence Agency. princeton-47429b53k. 1991. Central Intelligence Agency. This is a map of Costa Rica, shown at a scale of 1:1,500,000. Included is information pertaining to the country profile. The map was created by the...

90. America

Image Stanford University Public content America. JPEG 2000. Printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for William Humble, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Palace]. stanford-vp127xy8551. 1646. Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646, Humble, William, and Speed, John, 1552?-1629. Petrus Kaerius caelav. Relief shown pictorially. California shown as an island with flat northern coast and few place names: C. Blanco, Pa.d.los Re...


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICA. JPEG 2000. stanford-jp266yb7109. 1729. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. From Eptiome Geographiae Cluverianae Nova...Phillippi Cluverii? 1727 In Latin. None found. California as an island with indented northern coast and...

92. America

Image Stanford University Public content America. JPEG 2000. stanford-dc483cp0553. 1729. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. in book: Eptiome Geographiae Cluverianae Nova...Phillippi Cluverii? 1727 In Latin. California as an island with indented northern coast and narrow ...

93. Amerique Meridionale divisée en ses principales parties ou sont distingués les vns des autres les estats suivant qu'ils appartiennent présentement aux François, Castillans, Portugais, Hollandois, &c.

Princeton University Public content Amerique Meridionale divisée en ses principales parties ou sont distingués les vns des autres les estats suivant qu'ils appartiennent présentement aux François, Castillans, Portugais, Hollandois, &c. TIFF. A Paris : Chez H. Iaillot, joignant les grands Augustins, aux deux Globes, 1685. princeton-37720g165. 1685. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667. Title in upper margin: L'Amerique meridionale divisée en ses principales parties, sçavoir la Terre Ferme, le Perou, le Chili, le Bresil, le Parag...

94. Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio

Princeton University Public content Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio. TIFF. [Antverpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud I. Moretum, 1601]. princeton-sj139379z. 1587. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. From: Theatrum orbis terrarum. Antverpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud I. Moretum, 1601. Latin text on verso. Map shows Americas, Pacific Ocean ...

95. [America]

Image Stanford University Public content [America]. JPEG 2000. stanford-bc854pr7981. 1719. Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. California labeled "C". Initials are used as place names throughout, and are keyed to an atlas index. It was used as a teaching atlas. California a...

96. U.S. Census Tracts, 2013

Princeton University Restricted content U.S. Census Tracts, 2013. Shapefile. princeton-g732db55s. 2011. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Tracts represents the U.S. Census tracts of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

97. U.S. Census Tracts, 2017

Princeton University Restricted content U.S. Census Tracts, 2017. Shapefile. Esri. princeton-m613n273g. 2010. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Tracts represents the Census tracts of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

98. AMERICÆ Descriptio

Image Stanford University Public content AMERICÆ Descriptio. JPEG 2000. stanford-bd419mh1051. 1660. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. In Latin. None found. California as an island with flat northern coast, with place names: C. Mendocino, C.d. Pinas, C.d. Galera, I.S. Augustin, C d...

99. AMERICA Septentrionalis

Image Stanford University Public content AMERICA Septentrionalis. JPEG 2000. stanford-xm469xm6113. 1683. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667. California as an island with flat northern coast sloping up to east. Few place names on island: C. Blanq, C. Mendocino, C. de Pinos and C. de S Luc...

100. Novi orbis pars borealis, America scilicet, complectens Floridam, Baccalaon, Canadam, terram Corterialem, Virginiam, Norombecam, pluresque alias provincias

Princeton University Public content Novi orbis pars borealis, America scilicet, complectens Floridam, Baccalaon, Canadam, terram Corterialem, Virginiam, Norombecam, pluresque alias provincias. TIFF. [S.l. : s.n., between 1600 and 1608?]. princeton-bn999858w. 1600. Quad, Matthias, 1557-1613. Relief shown pictorially. Based on Cornelis de Jode's map of America, showing Northwest passage, Virginia placed in New England area, and a peninsu...