Airports, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-yw343hy8193. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This point shapefile represents airports in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from scal...
Airports, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-yq080xs1027. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This point shapefile represents airports in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral maps, basic ...
Albania. TIFF. New York City : American Geographical Society, [191-?]. princeton-k35696258. 1910. American Geographical Society of New York. Relief shown by landform drawings and hachures. Oriented with north toward upper right. Perspective view.
Aqueducts and Canals, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-hp622vp0835. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This line shapefile represents aqueducts and canals in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral ...
Austria e Ungaria Nova Descripcio \. JPEG 2000. [s.n.]. stanford-tj326rv9342. 1565. Bertelli, Ferdinando, active 1550. Ferando berteli, exc. Shows Belgrade (Serbia) in lower right corner.
Beograd : Plan grad - city map / map design & publishing Gizi Map. Novi Beograd : Magic Map d.o.o., 2018. princeton-dc5m60r472n. 2018. Radovanović, Slobodan and Magic Map (Firm). Relief shown by spot heights. Title from panel. At head of panel title: Magic Map. Includes text, ancillary suburb map, ancillary "Parking zone" ci...
Built Up Areas, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-fb102bj3071. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This polygon shapefile represents built up areas (areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures) in Romania. The Global Map Ro...
Built Up Areas, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-ys571cv5982. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This point shapefile represents built up areas (areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures) in Romania. The Global Map Roma...
Built Up Areas, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-cb645zf1067. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This line shapefile represents built up areas (areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures) in Serbia. Boundaries of adminis...
Built Up Areas, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-sy562rr3225. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This polygon shapefile represents built up areas (areas containing a concentration of buildings and other structures) in Serbia. Boundaries of admi...
Cetinje (before 1934). TIFF. [Washington, D.C.] : Office of Strategic Services, Branch of Research and Analysis, 1943. princeton-4b29b839r. 1943. United States. Office of Strategic Services. Research and Analysis Branch. United States. Office of Strategic Services. Research and Analysis Branch. Index of public buildings and military installations. Inset: Cetinje cit...
Coastline, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-nf909mc6770. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This line shapefile represents the coastline of Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from ...
Counties, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-rf707cg1788. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This point shapefile represents counties in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from scal...
County Boundary Lines, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-mz357bz8486. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This point shapefile represents county boundary lines in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national data...
Dams and Weirs, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-zz034rw1110. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This point shapefile represents dams and weirs in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral maps, ...
Dams and Weirs, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-ms654rt6982. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This line shapefile represents dams and weirs in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral maps, b...
Die grenzgebiete Österreich-Ungarns und Serbiens. JPEG 2000. Kartogr. Anstalt G. Freytag & Berndt,. stanford-jt546kj2241. 1912. Freytag, Berndt und Artaria. Druck and Verlag der Kartogr. Anstalt G. Freytag & Berndt, Ges. m. b. H., Wien. Relief shown by shading, spot heights. Greenwich meridian. Lege...
Disegno particolare de Regni e Regioni che son da Venetia, a Costatinopoli, et da Constantinopoli, a Vienna, d'Austria, et da Vienna, a Praga Citta regal, di Boemia, et alla Citta regal di Polonia, et altri paesi fuori de detti uiaggi, come si uede distintamente nel disegno. JPEG 2000. da Paulo Forlani Veronese intagliata con diligentiain merzaria al segno della Colona,. stanford-br340jq4118. 1566. Gastaldi, Giacomo, approximately 1500-approximately 1565 and Forlani, Paolo. Opera de M. Giacmo. Castaldi Piamontese cosmographo in Venetia. Relief shown pictorially. Latitudinal and longitudinal lines along margin. Central ...
Ferry Routes, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-sm799gh4843. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This line shapefile represents ferry routes in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from s...
First-level Administrative Divisions, Serbia, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-hf794fx7640. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the first-level administrative divisions of Serbia (adm1). Level 1 divisions include cities and districts. This lay...
General-Karte der europäischen Türkei / entw. u. gez. v. F. Handtke ; Druck u. Verlag v. C. Flemming. TIFF. Glogau : Verlag von Carl Flemming, [1876]. princeton-dc00000946x. 2013. Handtke, F. (Friedrich), 1815-1879. Relief show by hachures. Prime meridian is Ferro. Includes a list of translated terms used in map.
Heat Flow, Serbia, 1991-2008. Shapefile. International Heat Flow Commission. stanford-mk456dj0487. 2016. International Heat Flow Commission, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, and Oklahoma State University. Department of Geography. Cartography Service. This point shapefile contains heat flow data for Serbia compiled from sources dating from 1991 to 2008. Heat flow is a measure of heat loss across ...
Il disegno della geografia moderna de tutta la provincia de la Italia. JPEG 2000. Fabio Licinio ex. stanford-wd574nx8063. 1561. Gastaldi, Giacomo, approximately 1500-approximately 1565 and Licinius, Fabius, 1521-1565. Giacopo di Castaldi Piamotese, cosmografo. Latitudinal and longitudinal demarcations along margins. Decorative cartouche, compass roses, ships, sea...
Inland Waters, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-mh975gr2652. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This polygon shapefile represents inlands waters in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset ...
Inland Waters, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-bh182fh2601. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This polygon shapefile represents inlands waters in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral map...
Kraljevo, plan grada, poslovni vodič [cartographic material] : 1:14.000 / Direkcija za Planiranje i Izgradnju "Kraljevo". [Belgrade?] : Intersistem kartografija, c2001. princeton-dc7h14b051j. 2001. Intersistem kartografija (Firm). Panel title. Includes inset of Mataruška Banja, indexed business directory, phone directory, and coat-of-arms. Text, street index, region road map...
L-34-75 Сомбор (Sombor, Serbia). GeoTIFF. Генеральный штаб Красной Армии. VAC9619-001000. 1929. Modern area represented: Sombor, Vojvodina province, Serbia; Scale =1:100,000.
Le front de Salonique. JPEG 2000. Photolitho Berger-Levrault,. stanford-bc270cy5449. 1916. Berger-Levrault (Firm). Photolitho Berger-Levrault, Nancy. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights; depths by isolines and soundings. Boundaries, roads, railroads, wetla...
Macedonia, Mœsia, Thracia et Dacia. TIFF. Philada. : Published by Carey & Lea, [1831?]. princeton-cz30pw202. 1831. Yeager, Joseph, approximately 1792-1859. Relief shown by hachures. In upper right-hand corner: IX. Shows Macedonia, an ancient kingdom which later became a Roman province, now a region in ...
Mapping Interstate Territorial Conflict, 1947-2000 (v2). Shapefile. Stanford Digital Repository. stanford-jn766dx6840. 2019. Schultz, Kenneth A. This polygon shapefile represents areas that were the subject of interstate territorial disputes between 1947 and 2000. The disputed areas referenc...
Municipalities and Cities, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-nw576pv0116. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This point shapefile represents municipalities and cities in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadas...
Municipality and City Boundary Lines, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-fh308kx4966. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This point shapefile represents municipality and city boundary lines in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sou...
National Boundary, Serbia, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-nw199gc0423. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the national boundary of Serbia (adm0). This layer is part of the Global Administrative Areas 2015 (v2.8) dataset. ...
Nova et recens emendata totius regni Ungariæ una cum adiacentibus et finitimis regionibus delineatio. JPEG 2000. C J Visscher excudebat. stanford-zs381fg7813. 1624. Visscher, Claes Jansz., 1586 or 1587-1652 and Doetecam, Jan van. C J Visscher; Joannes à Duetechum jun: fecit. Relief shown pictorially. 2 bar scales on map, given in "Scala Miliarium Germani" and "Scala Miliari ...
Plan Beograda. TIFF. Espoo : Geologian tutkimuskeskus, 1953. princeton-cv43p022s. 1953. Geokarta. Municipal boundaries are shown as are city districts.
Ports, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-nf431sn1894. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This shapefile represents ports in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from scale 1:5000...
Quinta Europae tabula. JPEG 2000. Iacobus Pentius de Leucho. stanford-sk360zk9121. 1511. Silvani, Bernardo, Ptolemy, active 2nd century, and Pencio, Jacopo, active 1486-1530. Relief shown pictorially. Title at top in decorative banner. Imprint taken from atlas. Trapezoid. Text printed in black and red. Appears in Ptolemy...
Railroad Stations, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-yy103vy7350. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This point shapefile represents railroad stations in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset ...
Railroad Stations, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-jr892rn2378. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This point shapefile represents railroad stations in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral map...
Railroads, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-qm896dq0031. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This line shapefile represents railroads in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from scal...
Railroads, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-nt089ss4406. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This line shapefile represents railroads in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral maps, basic ...
Rivers, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-fm546kc1456. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This line shapefile represents rivers in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from scale 1...
Rivers, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-wf722gq3793. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This line shapefile represents rivers in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral maps, basic sta...
Roads, Romania, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-jk789pz5031. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Serbia. National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. This line shapefile represents roads in Romania. The Global Map Romania- Boundaries and Drainage layer was developed national dataset from scale 1...
Roads, Serbia, 2013. Shapefile. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping. stanford-yg476fs7639. 2013. International Steering Committee for Global Mapping and Republic Geodetic Authority (Serbia). This line shapefile represents roads in Serbia. Boundaries of administrative units are collected from different sources (cadastral maps, basic sta...
Second-level Administrative Divisions, Serbia, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-yw198yn7887. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the second-level administrative divisions of Serbia (adm2). Level 2 divisions include towns. This layer is part of ...
Serbia and Montenegro (Geographic Feature Names, 2003). Shapefile. U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). mit-nrwnon5ghbn2i. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Geographic feature names for Serbia and Montenegro.