Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University

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1. Costa Rica Census 2011

Collection Stanford University Public content Costa Rica Census 2011. stanford-yx432ww2526. 2018. East View Cartographic, Inc and Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (Costa Rica). This collection contains shapefiles representing key statistics from the Population and Housing Census of Costa Rica in 2011 (X Censo Nacional de P...

2. Boundary, Costa Rica, 2015

Polygon Stanford University Public content Boundary, Costa Rica, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-vh374gq6687. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the boundary of Costa Rica (adm0). This layer is part of the Global Administrative Areas 2015 (v2.8) dataset. Hijma...

3. First-level Administrative Divisions, Costa Rica, 2015

Polygon Stanford University Public content First-level Administrative Divisions, Costa Rica, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-jt711mb5253. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the first-level administrative divisions of Costa Rica (adm1). Level 1 divisions include provinces. This layer is p...

4. GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Costa Rica

Point Stanford University Public content GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Costa Rica. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-yn259jx6475. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in Costa Rica as well as their physical characteristics in urb...

5. Second-level Administrative Divisions, Costa Rica, 2015

Polygon Stanford University Public content Second-level Administrative Divisions, Costa Rica, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-kd633cb3679. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the second-level administrative divisions of Costa Rica (adm2). Level 2 divisions include cantons. This layer is pa...

6. 1:1,000,000-Scale County Boundaries of the United States, 2014

Polygon Stanford University Public content 1:1,000,000-Scale County Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). stanford-wg010mf7692. 2014. Geological Survey (U.S.). This polygon shapefile contains the county boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, by showing the counties as ar...

7. 1:1,000,000-Scale National Boundaries of the United States, 2014

Polygon Stanford University Public content 1:1,000,000-Scale National Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). stanford-hb541mt8292. 2014. Geological Survey (U.S.). This polygon shapefile contains the boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by extract...

8. 1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2014

Polygon Stanford University Public content 1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-wj635fh1294. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays the state boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by e...

9. Cities and Towns 1:1,000,000 Scale United States, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands 2014

Point Tufts University Public content Cities and Towns 1:1,000,000 Scale United States, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscitiestowns1mil14. 2014. This point dataset represents cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with data from the 2010 census. A ci...

10. Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014

Point Stanford University Public content Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-bx729wr3020. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. A city or town is a place with a rec...

11. Global Map: 1:1,000,000-Scale Political Areas of the United States, 2014

Polygon Stanford University Public content Global Map: 1:1,000,000-Scale Political Areas of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-cs453hh9696. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile includes Global Map data showing the counties and equivalent entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin...

12. Global Map: 1:1,000,000-Scale Political Boundary Lines of the United States, 2014

Line Stanford University Public content Global Map: 1:1,000,000-Scale Political Boundary Lines of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-vm820jh8767. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This line shapefile includes Global Map data showing the counties and equivalent entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Is...

13. Global Map: Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014

Point Stanford University Public content Global Map: Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-nh933kw1202. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes Global Map data showing cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The data are...

14. INOGO Mapas 2012: a high resolution map of land cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito region of Costa Rica

Collection Stanford University Public content INOGO Mapas 2012: a high resolution map of land cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito region of Costa Rica. Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. stanford-by899gr8234. 2014. Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. As a part of the INOGO Phase 1 Terrestrial Ecosystems Component, an in-depth analysis of land use and land cover in the region was undertaken using...

15. 1:1,000,000-Scale Combined Statistical Areas, 2013

Polygon Stanford University Public content 1:1,000,000-Scale Combined Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-mb303sh3837. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains combined statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Combined statistical areas consist of two or more ...

16. 1:1,000,000-Scale Core Based Statistical Areas, 2013

Polygon Stanford University Public content 1:1,000,000-Scale Core Based Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-bn076jc5300. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains core based statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. The map layer was created from the CENSUS 2010 T...

17. City of New York, NY Planning

Polygon Tufts University Public content City of New York, NY Planning. Shapefile. New York (N.Y.). Department of City Planning . tufts-nycassemblydistricts13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents districts in New york City, which were created by the Department of City Planning to aid city agencies in administe...

18. Combined Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2013

Polygon Tufts University Public content Combined Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2013. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscsa13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents Combined Statistical Areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Combined statistical areas consist of two or more...

19. Community Districts New York City 2013

Polygon Tufts University Public content Community Districts New York City 2013. Shapefile. New York (N.Y.). Department of City Planning. tufts-nyccommunitydistricts13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents New York City community districts. These are mandated by the city charter to review and monitor quality of life iss...

20. Core Based Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2010

Polygon Tufts University Public content Core Based Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2010. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscbsa10. 2013. This polygon datasets portrays core based statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico in 2010. The map layer was created from the CENSU...

21. Municipality Boundaries Mexico 2013

Polygon Tufts University Public content Municipality Boundaries Mexico 2013. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicomunicipalityboundaries13. 2013. This polygon dataset shows boundaries for major municipalities in Mexico. This dataset is part of the most current version of INEGI's "Marco Geos...

22. State Boundaries Mexico 2013

Polygon Tufts University Public content State Boundaries Mexico 2013. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicostateboundaries13. 2013. This polygon dataset shows Mexico's state boundaries. This dataset is part of the most current version of INEGI's "Marco Geostatistico Nacional,"...

23. 1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2012

Polygon Stanford University Public content 1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2012. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-jv962kc4000. 2012. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays the state boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by e...

24. Congressional Districts New Hampshire 20120509

Polygon Tufts University Public content Congressional Districts New Hampshire 20120509. Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhcongressionaldistricts120509. 2012. This polygon dataset shows the New Hampshire congressional district boundaries for 2012. The US district boundaries were generated based on the 20...

25. Executive Council District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012

Polygon Tufts University Public content Executive Council District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012. Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhexecutivecouncildistricts12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows the Executive Council district boundaries drawn by the New Hampshirec based on the 2010 US Census population. count. Bou...

26. Guyana economic data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana economic data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-qj72pg280. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

27. Guyana housing data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana housing data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-ks65hm35f. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

28. Guyana social data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana social data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-3t945z930. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

29. Guyana transportation data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana transportation data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-02871402z. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

30. House Floterial District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012

Polygon Tufts University Public content House Floterial District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012 . Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhhousefloterialdistricts12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows the New Hampshire House of Representatives "floterial" district boundaries drawn by the New Hampshire Legislature based ...

31. INOGO Mapas 2012: a High Resolution Map of Land Cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito Region of Costa Rica

Polygon Stanford University Public content INOGO Mapas 2012: a High Resolution Map of Land Cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito Region of Costa Rica. Shapefile. Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. stanford-gw191zw2184. 2012. Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. This polygon shapefile contains land use and land cover classifications for the Osa and Golfito region of Costa Rica. As a part of the Osa and Golf...

32. Named Urban Areas Mexico 2012

Polygon Tufts University Public content Named Urban Areas Mexico 2012. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexiconamedurbanareas12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows urban areas in Mexico, identified by their official geographically recognized place name. These urban localities are fur...

33. Rural Locations Mexico 2012

Point Tufts University Public content Rural Locations Mexico 2012. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicorurallocations12. 2012. This point dataset shows rural locations in Mexico, based on the "Inventario Nacional de Viviendas 2012," or their National Inventory of Homes. T...

34. Senate District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012

Polygon Tufts University Public content Senate District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012. Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhsenatedistricts12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows New Hampshire Senate district boundaries drawn by the New Hampshire Legislature based on the 2010 US Census population ...

35. Urban Geostatistical Areas Mexico 2012

Polygon Tufts University Public content Urban Geostatistical Areas Mexico 2012. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicourbanareas12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows basic geostatistical urban areas in Mexico. This is based on Mexico's "Inventario Nacional de Viviendas 2012," or their...

36. 112th Congressional Boundaries USA 2011

Polygon Tufts University Public content 112th Congressional Boundaries USA 2011. Shapefile. U.S. Census Bureau. tufts-uscongdistrict11. 2011. This polygon dataset represents 112th congressional boundaries in the United States. The 112th Congressional District Boundaries data set contains ...

37. Census Urbanized Areas San Francisco Bay Area 2000

Polygon University of California, Berkeley Public content Census Urbanized Areas San Francisco Bay Area 2000. Shapefile. San Rafael (Calif.). County Of Marin. ark28722-s7830z. 2011. MarinMap. Urbanized areas in the San Francisco Bay Area from the United States Census.

38. Cities USA 2011

Point Tufts University Public content Cities USA 2011. Shapefile. United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration. tufts-uscities11. 2011. This point dataset represents cities in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These cities were collected from the 1970 Nati...

39. Costa Rica demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-5d86p6211. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

40. Costa Rica economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-1r66j711n. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

41. Costa Rica housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-x059cf32j. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

42. Costa Rica migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-s7526k40b. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

43. Costa Rica social data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica social data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-ng451q507. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

44. Highways: San Francisco Bay Area, California, 2011

Line Stanford University Public content Highways: San Francisco Bay Area, California, 2011. Shapefile. Bay Area Open Space Council. stanford-vg822dt4563. 2011. Bay Area Open Space Council, Conservation Lands Network, San Francisco Bay Area Upland Habitat Goals Project, and GreenInfo Network (Firm). This polyline shapefile depicts most highways in the nine county San Francisco Bay Area Region, California and is not meant to be precisely accurat...

45. Major and Minor Roads: San Francisco Bay Area, California, 2011

Line Stanford University Public content Major and Minor Roads: San Francisco Bay Area, California, 2011. Shapefile. Bay Area Open Space Council. stanford-rf409zy3497. 2011. Bay Area Open Space Council, Conservation Lands Network, San Francisco Bay Area Upland Habitat Goals Project, and GreenInfo Network (Firm). This polyline shapefile depicts most major and minor roads in the nine county San Francisco Bay Area Region, California. These data were created fr...

46. State House of Representatives Districts Massachusetts 2011

Polygon Tufts University Public content State House of Representatives Districts Massachusetts 2011. Shapefile. MassGIS (Office : Mass.) . tufts-madistrict11. 2011. This polygon dataset represents districts in Massachusetts, which were based on demographic data from the 2010 U.S. Census. They were used for elec...

47. Uruguay demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-6395wg258. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

48. Uruguay economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-2b88qm34p. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

49. Uruguay housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-q237j111w. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

50. Uruguay migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-9s161f33z. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...