Zoning Eau Claire County, WI 2016. Geodatabase. B0E7DA0F-488F-41F0-ADA9-A75CF68259E7. 2016. Eau Claire County. This data layer represents Zoning for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature dataset within the geodatabase EauClaire_Zoning_2016.gd...
Zoning Eau Claire County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. 7FD51BA3-D0A1-42F7-A323-D1E462282BD5. 2017. Eau Claire County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature dataset within the geodatabase, EauClaire_Zonin...
Zoning Eau Claire County, WI 2018. Geodatabase. F010C3E8-998C-481E-ACD6-B4C4C5E571D3. 2018. Eau Claire County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase EauClaire_Zoning_2...
Zoning Eau Claire County, WI 2019. Geodatabase. F86144E8-C499-4DB1-B168-09ABD7EB38A2. 2019. Eau Claire County. This data represents zoning for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'Eau_Claire_Airport_2019' and 'Eau_Claire_General_2019...
Zoning Eau Claire County, WI 2020. Geodatabase. 4844E6FE-9F26-4868-9FD2-84D844DCC18B. 2020. Eau Claire County. This data represents zoning for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'Eau_Claire_General_2020' and 'Eau_Claire_Shoreland_20...
Zoning Eau Claire County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 5F0E6609-C31A-422B-B42A-5042542E41F4. 2021. Eau Claire County. This data represents zoning (general) for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning Florence County, WI 2016. Geodatabase. 642BE8DE-3BEB-4BAB-9B3B-38229A83A6C7. 2016. Florence County. This data layer represents zoning for Florence County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, 'Florence_Zoning_2016.gdb'....
Zoning Florence County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. D7C12E60-0AA0-48F6-8F2E-46826DBDCD34. 2017. Florence County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Florence County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature class within the geodatabase Florence_Zoning_2017.
Zoning Florence County, WI 2019. Geodatabase. AD63ECC8-2B90-4D95-B620-6FEB0B84D140. 2019. Florence County. This data represents zoning for Florence County, Wisconsin in 2019.
Zoning Florence County, WI 2020. Geodatabase. 89550155-171E-4E8C-814F-064A7B5BCD14. 2020. Florence County. This data represents general zoning for Florence County, Wisconsin in 2020.
Zoning Florence County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 814F1551-E3D4-4191-8927-40D4B198AC64. 2021. Florence County. This data represents General Zoning for Florence County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2010. Geodatabase. 66591E27-B9E5-4F1A-9567-B72A0BC10042. 2010. Fond du Lac County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2010. It is a feature class within the geodatabase Fond_du_Lac_Zonin...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2012. Shapefile. C1728065-1591-4E79-A227-08D703B9F42F. 2012. Fond du Lac County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2012.[The zoning layer depicts the zoning information for each civil...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2014. Geodatabase. B615264B-D445-4903-8AB1-F7A159EABE32. 2014. Fond du Lac County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2014. It is a feature class within the geodatabase Fond_du_Lac_Zonin...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2015. Geodatabase. 55C31208-79A5-4403-8F92-F068E7726D71. 2015. Fond du Lac County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2015. It is a feature class within the geodatabase Fond_du_Lac_Zonin...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2016. Geodatabase. B93B4776-B461-479D-901A-C10CAF8E9888. 2016. Fond du Lac County. This data group represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2016 and includes the layers 'AIRPORT', 'FLOODPLAIN', and 'SHORELAND'.
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. A4660A97-D858-4723-AF11-A32121752842. 2017. Fond du Lac County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature class within the geodatabase Fond_du_Lac_Zonin...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2018. Geodatabase. A4AB8621-122A-4BBB-AF31-CD5114EC50E3. 2018. Fond du Lac County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Fond_du_Lac_Zoni...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2019. Geodatabase. 09D8423B-A34C-491A-80AD-0FAE9EAA367B. 2019. Fond du Lac County. This data group represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'ShorelandZoning', 'Zoning', and 'Zoning_Airpor...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2020. Geodatabase. 638887CB-BADA-4CFF-B539-A7772B95BCC7. 2020. Fond du Lac County. This data group represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'FOND_DU_LAC_AIRPORT_2020', 'FOND_DU_LAC_GENERA...
Zoning Fond du Lac County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 2486A931-3870-47E0-8FCE-46B9B993B2DD. 2021. Fond du Lac County. This data represents zoning for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Fond_du_Lac_Airport_2021,' 'Fond_du_Lac_General_2021...
Zoning Forest County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. D75B0372-03A1-4263-9CEE-BFCCA870330B. 2017. Forest County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Forest County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase Forest_Zoning_2017...
Zoning Forest County, WI (Crandon) 2010. Geodatabase. 81751E9A-9FE5-4C95-8322-EEADBE1B7FD7. 2010. Forest County. These data layers represent zoning for the City and Town of Crandon in Forest County, Wisconsin in 2010. They are feature classes within the geodat...
Zoning Forest County, WI (Crandon) 2013. Geodatabase. 5E5DC7F4-513F-4E59-91C2-8D153ADCD7AE. 2013. Forest County. These data layers represent zoning for the City and Town of Crandon in Forest County, Wisconsin in 2013. They are feature classes within the geodat...
Zoning, Fresno County, California, 2016. Shapefile. berkeley-s78q39. 2016. Fresno County (Calif.). Department of Public Works and Planning. This polygon dataset provides the borders of all zoning districts within unincorporated Fresno County, California for 2016, More information can be...
Zoning (General) Adams County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. DB81C6FD-7D2A-4080-9AAA-3E5028CFFC7B. 2021. Adams County. This data represents zoning for Adams County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Adams_Airport_2021', 'Adams_General_2021', and 'Adams_Shor...
Zoning (General) Barron County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 355EAD7B-0E45-4784-A805-CCC87474AAF0. 2021. Barron County. This data layer represents zoning for Barron County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning (General) Buffalo County, WI 2020. Geodatabase. DAEE2712-6089-40AA-8F0F-529B8F4D0608. 2020. Buffalo County. This data represents General Zoning for Buffalo County, Wisconsin in 2020. [The zoning classification defined at the parcel level, but typically ma...
Zoning (General) Buffalo County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. D3F98CDA-947A-48C9-AF97-C8E6E6D5ED32. 2021. Buffalo County. This data represents general zoning for Buffalo County, Wisconsin in 2021. [The zoning classification defined at the parcel level, but typically ma...
Zoning (General) Door County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. D74E55D1-E592-4A82-B1E8-01E49960600E. 2021. Door County. This data represents zoning for Door County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'DOOR_AIRPORT_2018', 'DOOR_GENERAL_2021', and 'DOOR_SHORELAN...
Zoning (General) Douglas County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 45E20C64-5924-4EFE-8B0C-1DA31261D46F. 2021. Douglas County. This data represents General Zoning for Douglas County, Wisconsin in 2021. [Douglas County Zoning Zone descriptions A1 - Agricultural C1 - Commerci...
Zoning (General) Green Lake County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 07A9F106-5C64-497B-9C8D-07327A34D40A. 2021. Green Lake County. This data represents general zoning for Green Lake County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning (General) Iron County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 2E8BEBB5-1C94-4E58-BEBD-313A1F6E5CAF. 2021. Iron County. This data represents zoning for Iron County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning (General) Marquette County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 974C6B5E-18E1-4BCD-860D-8811638B672F. 2021. Marquette County. This data represents General Zoning for Marquette County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning (General) Menominee County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 172FD3B4-91BD-4CB7-9498-2A7D2751258F. 2021. Menominee County. This data represents general Zoning for Menominee County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning (General) Oconto County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. D923E79C-A88C-4734-9117-9F55163F27BA. 2021. Oconto County. This data represents general zoning for Oconto County, Wisconsin in 2021.
Zoning (General) Pierce County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. 4475FD54-B4C3-45DC-AF1E-9BEFB083D1A4. 2021. Pierce County. This data represents general zoning for Pierce County, Wisconsin in 2021. [General County Zoning.].
Zoning (General) St. Croix County, WI 2020 . Geodatabase. 8C3D46B0-FB78-418B-9FF6-AD490ADC846C. 2020. St. Croix County. This data represents General Zoning for St. Croix County, Wisconsin in 2020. [The zoning classification defined at the parcel level, but has been d...
Zoning Grant County, WI 2014. Geodatabase. 8E8C3414-5A4A-4B42-AC28-EA072976B4B2. 2014. Grant County. This data layer represents zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2014. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Grant_Zoning_2014.gdb'.
Zoning Grant County, WI 2015. Geodatabase. 930A6AD1-3C18-4990-ACCC-7DA5697020D4. 2015. Grant County. This data layer represents zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2015. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Grant_Zoning_2015.gdb'.
Zoning Grant County, WI 2016. Geodatabase. 9F822716-57D3-4EA9-A7B5-B9998D80A3B1. 2016. Grant County. These data layers represent zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Grant_Zoning_2016.gdb'. The f...
Zoning Grant County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. 33DA446A-5B92-48AF-812D-A4CEDA88C4E8. 2017. Grant County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Grant_Zoning_2017.gdb....
Zoning Grant County, WI 2018. Geodatabase. A4873E1B-AD6E-4DF7-806B-CD032D6E660C. 2018. Grant County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase Grant_Zoning_2018.gdb. ...
Zoning Grant County, WI 2019. Geodatabase. 90208912-4537-4257-9DDC-0332769C3FF5. 2019. Grant County. This data represents zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2019.
Zoning Grant County, WI 2020. Geodatabase. E3D57347-1082-478C-9CBC-7E9B813588A5. 2020. Grant County. This data represents zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2020, The following features are included: GENERAL and SHORELAND.
Zoning Grant County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. CE5748E3-B267-4F40-ABC6-306C323190B8. 2021. Grant County. This data represents zoning for Grant County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Grant_General_2021' and 'Grant_Shoreland_2021.'.
Zoning Green County, WI 2016. Geodatabase. 652F307E-A5EC-4E72-9653-47C0731C9704. 2016. Green County. This data group represents zoning for Green County, Wisconsin in 2016, includes the layers 'AIRPORT', 'FARMLAND', 'FLOODPLAIN,' 'GENERAL', and 'SHO...
Zoning Green County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. 025C48DF-998D-4D27-902E-BE01413822DC. 2017. Green County. This polygon data layer represents zoning for Green County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Green_Zoning_2017.gdb....
Zoning Green County, WI 2018. Geodatabase. BBB47392-72A6-46AA-A5C1-B5A73F7AED7D. 2018. Green County. These data layers represent zoning for Green County, Wisconsin in 2018. They are feature classes within the geodatabase, Green_Zoning_2018.gdb. The...
Zoning Green County, WI 2019. Geodatabase. 8BDBAF29-3CE7-4A07-BD86-CB1CFE4E062E. 2019. Green County. This data represents zoning for Green County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'Green_Airport_2019', 'Green_General_2019', and 'Green_Shor...