A map of MEXICO or NEW SPAIN FLORIDA now called LOUISIANA and Part of CALIFORNIA &c. JPEG 2000. stanford-xy324jt5865. 1711. Moll, Herman, d. 1732. First issued in: Atlas geographus: or, a compleat system of geography, ancient and modern . Vol.5, [p.796a] / by Herman Moll. -- [London]: J. Nutt,...
AMERICA. JPEG 2000. stanford-jp266yb7109. 1729. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. From Eptiome Geographiae Cluverianae Nova...Phillippi Cluverii? 1727 In Latin. None found. California as an island with indented northern coast and...
AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALIS. JPEG 2000. stanford-kc023qd4183. 1700. Hondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651 and Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Later reproduction, [unknown date], with Amstelodami, Excusum apud Iudocum et Henricum Hondium. Anno 1631. with text of manuscript appearance. With...
AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALIS. JPEG 2000. stanford-cq445xf9935. 1636. Hondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651 and Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Issued in: Gerardi Mercatoris Atlantis Novi Pars Tertia ... -- Amsterdam, Henrici Hondij, 1636. Issued in: Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel At...
AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALlS. JPEG 2000. stanford-wn503xg3716. 1653. Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651 or 1652-1726 and Schenk, Pieter, approximately 1698-1775. California of Briggs type, with nearly flat northern coast. C. Blanco is point furthest north. Includes I. de Ceintas off west coast of California....
AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALIS divisa in suas principales partes ET STATUS seu Dominatus Regis GALLIÆ, CASTILLÆ, ANGLIÆ, SUECIÆ DANIÆ et BATAVORUM P.D. Sanson Geographum Regis Galliæ ordinarium. JPEG 2000. stanford-wk428tr8961. 1675. Hofmann, Johann Jacob, ǂd 17th/18th cent. California as very large island on second Sanson model, with Terra de Iesso vel Ieço and Mare de Iesso to northwest. Based on Sanson-Jaillot map of...
AMERICA Septentrionalis. JPEG 2000. stanford-xm469xm6113. 1683. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667. California as an island with flat northern coast sloping up to east. Few place names on island: C. Blanq, C. Mendocino, C. de Pinos and C. de S Luc...
AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-qf555ns8242. 1745. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. [1745], Mare Iesso rather than Mare de Iesso as in State 1. Much of the lettering in the oceans is in bold. In German and Latin. California as an i...
AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-nj318gt4956. 1745. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. Includes bibliographical references (p. xv-xvi) and indexes. In German and Latin. California as an island with indented northern coast, including n...
AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-vj690bj8285. 1720. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. See general notes. [1745], Mare Iesso rather than Mare de Iesso as in State 1. Much of the lettering in the oceans is in bold. Issued in: Atlas por...