Global Map: 1:1,000,000-Scale Political Boundary Lines of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-vm820jh8767. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This line shapefile includes Global Map data showing the counties and equivalent entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Is...
Global Map: Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-nh933kw1202. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes Global Map data showing cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The data are...
INOGO Mapas 2012: a high resolution map of land cover in the Osa Peninsula and Golfito region of Costa Rica. Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. stanford-by899gr8234. 2014. Stanford University. Woods Institute for the Environment. As a part of the INOGO Phase 1 Terrestrial Ecosystems Component, an in-depth analysis of land use and land cover in the region was undertaken using...
1:1,000,000-Scale Combined Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-mb303sh3837. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains combined statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Combined statistical areas consist of two or more ...
1:1,000,000-Scale Core Based Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-bn076jc5300. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains core based statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. The map layer was created from the CENSUS 2010 T...
1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2012. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-jv962kc4000. 2012. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays the state boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by e...
Guyana economic data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-qj72pg280. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...
Guyana housing data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-ks65hm35f. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...
Guyana social data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-3t945z930. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...
Guyana transportation data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-02871402z. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...