1:1,000,000-Scale Combined Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-mb303sh3837. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains combined statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Combined statistical areas consist of two or more ...
1:1,000,000-Scale Core Based Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-bn076jc5300. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains core based statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. The map layer was created from the CENSUS 2010 T...
City of New York, NY Planning. Shapefile. New York (N.Y.). Department of City Planning . tufts-nycassemblydistricts13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents districts in New york City, which were created by the Department of City Planning to aid city agencies in administe...
Combined Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2013. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscsa13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents Combined Statistical Areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Combined statistical areas consist of two or more...
Community Districts New York City 2013. Shapefile. New York (N.Y.). Department of City Planning. tufts-nyccommunitydistricts13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents New York City community districts. These are mandated by the city charter to review and monitor quality of life iss...
Core Based Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2010. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscbsa10. 2013. This polygon datasets portrays core based statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico in 2010. The map layer was created from the CENSU...
Municipality Boundaries Mexico 2013. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicomunicipalityboundaries13. 2013. This polygon dataset shows boundaries for major municipalities in Mexico.
This dataset is part of the most current version of INEGI's "Marco Geos...
State Boundaries Mexico 2013. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicostateboundaries13. 2013. This polygon dataset shows Mexico's state boundaries.
This dataset is part of the most current version of INEGI's "Marco Geostatistico Nacional,"...
1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2012. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-jv962kc4000. 2012. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays the state boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by e...
Congressional Districts New Hampshire 20120509. Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhcongressionaldistricts120509. 2012. This polygon dataset shows the New Hampshire congressional district boundaries for 2012. The US district boundaries were generated based on the 20...