Atlas of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Rawalpindi : Survey of Pakistan, 2012. princeton-x920g157g. 2012. Survey of Pakistan. Most national maps of Pakistan include inset map for exclave Junagadh & Manavadar. Includes index map and indexes. Includes world and continent map...
America. JPEG 2000. stanford-dc483cp0553. 1729. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. in book: Eptiome Geographiae Cluverianae Nova...Phillippi Cluverii? 1727 In Latin. California as an island with indented northern coast and narrow ...
Mitchell's national map of the American republic or United States of North America. Together with maps of the vicinities of thirty-two of the principal cities and towns in the Union. Philadelphia : Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, 1843, c1842. princeton-2r36v098f. 1843. Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868. Relief shown by hachures. Cover title: Mitchell's national maps of the United States. "Drawn by J.H. Young. Engraved by J.H. Brightly." Second shee...
Map of the railways of the Argentine Republic. JPEG. Talleres Gräficos de la Pentenciari?a Nacional. p16022coll230:2803. 1909. At head of title: National Census of Cattle and Agriculture.; Includes eight insets.|95 x 58 centimeters|Scale 1:2,500,000.
Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio. TIFF. [Antverpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud I. Moretum, 1601]. princeton-sj139379z. 1587. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. From: Theatrum orbis terrarum. Antverpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud I. Moretum, 1601. Latin text on verso. Map shows Americas, Pacific Ocean ...
Central America. JPEG. Rand-McNally & Co. p16022coll230:2795. 1912. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures.; Inset: Map of the Canal Zone (Isthmus of Panama) showing the Panama Canal.; Inset: Republic of Panama.; Shows steamship ...
[America]. JPEG 2000. stanford-bc854pr7981. 1719. Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. California labeled "C". Initials are used as place names throughout, and are keyed to an atlas index. It was used as a teaching atlas. California a...
U.S. Census Tracts, 2013. Shapefile. princeton-g732db55s. 2011. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Tracts represents the U.S. Census tracts of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
U.S. Census Tracts, 2017. Shapefile. Esri. princeton-m613n273g. 2010. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Tracts represents the Census tracts of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
AMERICÆ Descriptio. JPEG 2000. stanford-bd419mh1051. 1660. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. In Latin. None found. California as an island with flat northern coast, with place names: C. Mendocino, C.d. Pinas, C.d. Galera, I.S. Augustin, C d...
AMERICA Septentrionalis. JPEG 2000. stanford-xm469xm6113. 1683. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667. California as an island with flat northern coast sloping up to east. Few place names on island: C. Blanq, C. Mendocino, C. de Pinos and C. de S Luc...
Novi orbis pars borealis, America scilicet, complectens Floridam, Baccalaon, Canadam, terram Corterialem, Virginiam, Norombecam, pluresque alias provincias. TIFF. [S.l. : s.n., between 1600 and 1608?]. princeton-bn999858w. 1600. Quad, Matthias, 1557-1613. Relief shown pictorially. Based on Cornelis de Jode's map of America, showing Northwest passage, Virginia placed in New England area, and a peninsu...
Americæ nova tabula. TIFF. [Amsterdami? : Apud Guiljelmum et Iohannem Blaeu?, 1635?]. princeton-qr46r266q. 1635. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. Relief shown pictorially. "Cum privilegio decem annorum." Appears in Blaeu's Theatrum orbis terrarum. Includes inset of Greenland, note, and ill., ...
Map of the United States showing the distribution of the lines of mean annual temperature : prepared to illustrate the corresponding distribution of the population at the date of the Tenth Census. JPEG. [Census Bureau]. 7140014d-17ab-4ab5-ba2e-c440a2a59cdc. 1880. Gannett, Henry, 1846-1914. Scale [ca. 1:12,000,000]; 1 map: color, mounted on linen; 26 x 41 cm Atmospheric temperature--United States--Maps.
Peruuiae auriferæ regionis typus. TIFF. [Antwerp : Plantin, 1591]. princeton-j098zc942. 1591. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Shows portion of Central America, northwestern South America, southern United States, and coast of Tamaulipas in Mexico. Relief shown pictorially. ...
U.S. Census Block Groups, 2017. Shapefile. Esri. princeton-6395wc232. 2010. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Block Groups represents the Census block groups of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
North America, 1856 (Image 2 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3300-1856-w5-sh2. 1856. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Williams, W. (Wellington), and Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Mitchell's new national map exhibiting the United States : with the ...
Americae nova tabula. JPEG. Abraham Ortelius. 5cfaa6aa-db0e-4056-8622-70145a3f4298. 1635. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. 1 map: color; Relief shown pictorially; Shows drainage and settlements; Appears in the author's Le théâtre dv monde, on novvel atlas; Includes 10...
Americae. JPEG 2000. [Theodore de Bry],. stanford-qx744gb3141. 1593. Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611, and Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623. Relief shown pictorially. Imprint taken from atlas. Shows fortified settlements on the islands of St. Vincent and Maro, and the surrounding mainlan...
L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l' Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques autres, & sur les Memoires les plus recens. JPEG 2000. stanford-kv124sx5188. 1700. L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. California as peninsula; west coast extended north to C. Mendocin. Engraved by: N. Guerard (below title cartouche). Title cartouche with mythologic...
Americae. JPEG 2000. Hugo Allard. stanford-tt437zq0720. 1640. Allardt, Hugo, -1691 and Velde, Jan van de, 1593-1641. Hugo Allardt excudit. inde Kalver Straet inde Werrelt Kaert ; Velde schulp. Relief shown pictorially. California shown as an island with indented n...
TOTIVS AMERICÆ NOVA ET EXACTA TABVLA EX OPTIMIS TVM GEOGRAPHORVM, TVM ALIORVM | SCRIPTIS COLLECTA, ET AD HODIERNAM REGNORVM PRINCIPATVVM, ET MAI[?]RVM PARTIVM DISTINCTIONEM ACCOMMODATA PER CORN. DANKERVM |[=] CARTE NOVVELLE ET EXACTE DE L'AMERIQVE NOVVELLEMENT DRESSEE SVR LES MEMOIRES | DES MEILLEURS GEOGRAPHES ET AVTRES ESCRIVAINS DE NOSTRE TEM [ ... ?] ET PRINCIPALES PARTIES QVY SY TROVVENT A PRESENT. JPEG 2000. stanford-tf486tz1347. 1647. Per Corn. Dankervm, Mariette, Pierre, Mariette, Pierre (ca. 1602-53), Danckerts, Cornelius, the younger (1664-1717), and Duval [Du Val], Pierre (1618-83). Referred to as “old ugly.” Framed on the wall in the basement hallway. Title in Latin and French.California as an island with flat northern coast....
North America, 1853 (Image 4 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3300-1853-m6-sh4. 1853. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Monk, Jacob., and A. Hoen & Co. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: New map of that portion of North America, exhibiting the United Stat...
The Rand-McNally new library atlas map of Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. [Chicago] : Rand, McNally & Co., c1912. princeton-v979v5522. 1912. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures. Includes inset of Southern portion of Chile and Argentine Republic. Page 39 and 40 of "Library Atlas of the World.".
Poland and Czech Republic, 1662 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g6522-g76-1662-s3. 1662. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Scultetus, Johannes, 1595-1645, and Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Ducatus Silesiae Grotganus cum Districtu Episcopali Nissensi. It was...
AMERICÆ SEPTENTRIONALIS TABULA. JPEG 2000. stanford-gn298pj4727. 1704. Wells, Edward, 1667-1727. See also separate entry in book database. California as an island with indented northern coast and blank to its north. None found. Dedicated to Tho...
Dominia Anglorum in America Septentrionali. [Norimbergæ, 1759]. princeton-wd375z66h. 1759. Homann Erben (Firm). Relief shown pictorially. Sheet title in Latin and German. Individual map titles and text in German. Maps in English and German. From the authors' ...
Fifth map, or, Map of 1733 : to accompany Willard's History of the United States. TIFF. [New York : White, Gallaher, & White, 1829]. princeton-5t34sn026. 1829. Willard, Emma, 1787-1870. Covers the Atlantic Coast of North America from Nova Scotia to Florida. Shows route of General Oglethorpe, 1733, and Palatines from Germany sent by...
Fourth map, or, Map of 1692 : to accompany Willard's History of the United States. TIFF. [New York : White, Gallaher, & White, 1829]. princeton-x920g0318. 1829. Willard, Emma, 1787-1870. Covers the Atlantic Coast of North America from Nova Scotia to Florida. Shows route of William Penn and date of his arrival, Oct. 24, 1682. Appears...
The Caribbean, 1990. TIFF. Central Intelligence Agency. princeton-rv042v53w. 1990. Central Intelligence Agency. This is a map of the Caribbean, shown at a 1:18,000,000 scale. The map was created by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Cuba 1775 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Cartography Associates. stanford-nv876db1315. 1775. Rumsey, David, 1944- and Jefferys, Thomas. This layer is a georeferenced image three engraved (1775) nautical charts of Cuba joined together. The 3 atlas maps "The coast of Yucatan from Camp...
Rand, McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world map of Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. TIFF. [Chicago] : Rand, McNally & Co., c1892. princeton-12579v705. 1892. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes inset: Southern portion of Chile and Argentine Republic (scale ca. 1:9,000,000]). Running title...
Third map, or Map of 1643 : to accompany Willard's History of the United States. TIFF. [New York : White, Gallaher, & White, 1829]. princeton-2227ms10c. 1829. Willard, Emma, 1787-1870. Covers the Atlantic Coast of North America from Nova Scotia to Florida. Shows sailing routes of various discoverers and explorers, each labeled wit...
Descripcion de las Yndias Ocidentales. JPEG 2000. Nicolas Rodriquez Franco. stanford-qs151yz7949. 1726. Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, -1625. Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas, who was the official historian of Castile and the Indies compiled a history of the Spanish conquests and early ex...
Novissima et Accuratissima TOTIUS AMERICÆ DESCRIPTIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-sk402kh8074. 1671. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Engraved by: F. Lamb, Sculp (lower right). Wagner 404; Tooley 35 (Plate 42). Place names in Latin. Based on Visscher map; California as an island w...
Poland and Silesia (Czech Republic), 1638 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g6520-1638-j3-copyb. 1638. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library and Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Poloniae nova et accurata descriptio. It was published by: J. Iansso...
AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-qf555ns8242. 1745. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. [1745], Mare Iesso rather than Mare de Iesso as in State 1. Much of the lettering in the oceans is in bold. In German and Latin. California as an i...
AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-nj318gt4956. 1745. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. Includes bibliographical references (p. xv-xvi) and indexes. In German and Latin. California as an island with indented northern coast, including n...
South America : Sheet I, Ecuador, Granada, Venezuela, and parts of Brazil and Guayana. JPEG. George Cox. p16022coll230:2775. 1842. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain). In: Society for the Diffusion ... General atlas ..., 1842, no. 149.; Engraved by: J. & C. Walker.; Below neat line at left: Humboldt, Schomburgk, C...
America Septentrionalis. JPEG 2000. Venalis prostat apud Tobiam Conr. Lotter. stanford-xg598wd4681. 1772. Lotter, Georg Friedrich, Lotter, Tobias Conrad, 1717-1777, and L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. per G. de L'Isle, geographum. G.F. Lotter, sculps. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Includes "Annotatio." Based on De L'Isle's map of 1700. ...
AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALlS. JPEG 2000. stanford-wn503xg3716. 1653. Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651 or 1652-1726 and Schenk, Pieter, approximately 1698-1775. California of Briggs type, with nearly flat northern coast. C. Blanco is point furthest north. Includes I. de Ceintas off west coast of California....
AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALIS. JPEG 2000. stanford-kc023qd4183. 1700. Hondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651 and Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Later reproduction, [unknown date], with Amstelodami, Excusum apud Iudocum et Henricum Hondium. Anno 1631. with text of manuscript appearance. With...
AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-vj690bj8285. 1720. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. See general notes. [1745], Mare Iesso rather than Mare de Iesso as in State 1. Much of the lettering in the oceans is in bold. Issued in: Atlas por...
Explored areas of arthropod-borne viral infections (yellow fever excepted). TIFF. New York, NY : American Geographical Society, 1954. princeton-p8418q01b. 1954. American Geographical Society of New York. Briesemeister elliptical equal-area projection. On upper right margin: Atlas of distribution of diseases...
MEXICVM In hac forma in lucem edebat. JPEG 2000. stanford-dz199sd1640. 1660. Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista, 1610-1670. California with 5 place names: C. Blanco, D.d.Pinos, C.S.Martin, P.ta d.Palmar, and C.S.Lucas. Issued in his: Dell'Hercole e studio geografico, [Ma...
[Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio]. JPEG 2000. Abraham Ortelius. stanford-ms282mt5756. 1570. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. [Abraham Ortelius] Relief shown pictorially. [In Ortel (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. fol. Antiverpiæ, apud Ægid Coppenium Diesth, 1570]. Cum ...
CONTINENTEM NOVITER DETECTAM COMPONEBAT. JPEG 2000. stanford-hc386xs3338. 1660. Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista, 1610-1670. California with 2 place names: C. Blanco and C.S. Lucas. California with 3rd place name: C. de Pinos. Issued in his: Dell' Hercole e studio geograf...
Agriculture Census of the United States, 2007. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-fz453mf0269. 2007. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays a selected set of information that was collected for the 2007 Census of Agriculture by the National Agricultural St...
DESCRIPTIO INDIÆ OCCIDENTALIS Per Antonium de Herrera Regium Indiarum et Castellæ Historiographum. JPEG 2000. stanford-hf530hv9225. 1622. Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, -1625. Map on 2nd title page of: Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis / per Antonium de Herrera Regium Indiarum et Castellæ Historiographum. Issued with Dutch f...
Agriculture Census of the United States, 2002. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-qp249dw6789. 2002. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays a selected set of information that was collected for the 2002 Census of Agriculture by the National Agricultural St...
GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Czech Republic. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-dq535gp6810. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in Czech Republic as well as their physical characteristics in...
Central America & Caribbean Region, 1858 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g4390-1858-k5. 1858. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1899., Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859., and Reimer, Dietrich, 1818-1899. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A new map of tropical-America, north of the Equator : comprising the...
Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio. JPEG. Abraham Ortelius. 7e0062d1-6643-4c90-aaa0-97bac5389481. 1570. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. 1 map: hand colored; Relief shown pictorially; (In Ortel (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. fol. Antiverpiæ, apud Ægid Coppenium Diesth, 1570); Cu...
Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio. JPEG. abc7e5d3-61a1-44db-9f88-7e254a2016ed. 1570. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. 1 map: hand colored; Relief shown pictorially; (In Ortel (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. fol. Antiverpiæ, apud Ægid Coppenium Diesth, 1570); Cu...
GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Republic of the Congo. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-cg935xy8485. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in the Republic of the Congo as well as their physical charact...
AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALIS. JPEG 2000. stanford-cq445xf9935. 1636. Hondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651 and Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Issued in: Gerardi Mercatoris Atlantis Novi Pars Tertia ... -- Amsterdam, Henrici Hondij, 1636. Issued in: Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel At...
Americae nova descriptio. JPEG 2000. Petrus Kaerius excudit. stanford-ks356zj7198. 1614. Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646 and Goos, Abraham. Relief shown pictorially. Shows Tierra del Fuego as an island. Along bottom: Prima orbis circumnavigatio 1525. Secunda orbis circumnavigatio 1580. ...
Civil War Southern States : State Boundaries, ca. 1864. Shapefile. harvard-g3860-1864-b3-lc-st. 1864. Harvard University. Center for Geographic Analysis. and Bartholomew, John. State boundaries during the US Civil War in the Confederate States. Vector data extracted from digital map provided by the Library of Congress at h...
Yemen, 1772 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g7550-1772-n52. 1772. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Niebuhr, Carsten, 1733-1815, Martín, and Defehrt, A. J. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Terrae Yemen maxima pars : seu imperii Imami, principatus Kaukebân, ...
AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALIS divisa in suas principales partes ET STATUS seu Dominatus Regis GALLIÆ, CASTILLÆ, ANGLIÆ, SUECIÆ DANIÆ et BATAVORUM P.D. Sanson Geographum Regis Galliæ ordinarium. JPEG 2000. stanford-wk428tr8961. 1675. Hofmann, Johann Jacob, ǂd 17th/18th cent. California as very large island on second Sanson model, with Terra de Iesso vel Ieço and Mare de Iesso to northwest. Based on Sanson-Jaillot map of...
Virginia, Marylandia et Carolina in America Septentrionali, Britannorum industria excultæ. TIFF. [Nuremberg? : s.n., 1714]. princeton-mw22v7847. 1714. Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. Relief shown pictorially. Depths shown by soundings. Also covers New Jersey, southern Pennsylvania, and New York City region. Names in Latin or Eng...
Mitchell's national map of the American Republic or, United States of North America~~together with maps of the vicinities of thirty-two of the principal cities and towns in the Union. JPEG. S. Augustus Mitchell (Philadelphia). p16022coll230:1138. 1843. Young, J. H. (James Hamilton).
GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Democratic Republic of the Congo. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-qb666kv0603. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as their physi...
GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Central African Republic. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-pk573jk3534. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in Central African Republic as well as their physical characte...
GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Syrian Arab Republic. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-kx706nj7228. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in Syrian Arab Republic as well as their physical characterist...
America septentrionalis et meridionalis. JPEG 2000. [Friderich Christian Pelt. stanford-hh071qv4863. 1768. Pelt, Friedrich Christian. California shown as labeled island with an indented northern coast. Title cartouche in upper left. Illustration of natives in lower right. Last map...
Coffee map of the Republic of Colombia world's largest producer of mild coffees. TIFF. New York : International Map Co., 1939. princeton-gf06g520t. 1939. Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian: Bogotá. Coffee districts shown by squares representing 400,000 trees and triangles representing less tha...
Chorographia insignis regni Bohemiæ. JPEG 2000. Gerard de Jode. stanford-nt822ky3120. 1578. Criginger, Johann, 1521-1571, Doetichum, Johan van, died 1600, Doetichum, Lucas van, active 1558-1579, and Jode, Gerard de, 1509-1591. authore Ioanne Griguigero ; Ioannes à Deutecũ Lucas à Deutecũ fecerunt. Relief shown pictorially. Title at top. Decorative cartouche, coat of arms....
Peruuiae auriferæ regionis typus. TIFF. [Antwerp : Plantin, 1584]. princeton-bk128d41w. 1584. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Shows portion of Central America, northwestern South America, southern United States, and coast of Tamaulipas in Mexico. Relief shown pictorially. ...
Peruuiae auriferæ regionis typus. TIFF. [Antwerp : Plantin, 1584]. princeton-8g84mp10q. 1584. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Shows portion of Central America, northwestern South America, southern United States, and coast of Tamaulipas in Mexico. Relief shown pictorially. ...
Orbis vetus in utrâque continente: juxta mentem Sansonianam distinctus, nec non observationibus astronomicis redactus, accurante; Robert de Vaugondy, geographo regis ordinario. JPEG. a47488d7-26be-4b1c-a4af-4383951e6991. 1752. Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766.,Boudet, Antoine, 1715?-1787 engraver.,Dahl, James, former owner. Relief shown pictorially. Includes two latin inscriptions about the author and mapseller. Also includes a decorative cartouche framed by an angel a...
Bohemia (Czech Rep., Bavaria, Poland), ca. 1710 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g6510-1710-h6. 1710. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library and Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Regni Bohemiae, ducatus Silesiae, marchionatus Moraviae et Lusatiae ...
Eastern North America, 1813 (Image 2 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3700-1813-l4-sh2. 1813. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Lewis, Samuel, 1753 or 4-1822., Plowman, Thomas Lowry., Fairman, Gideon, 1774-1827., and Hooker, William, 1782-1856. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A correct map of the United States with the West Indies : from the b...
Eastern North America, 1813 (Image 3 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3700-1813-l4-sh3. 1813. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Lewis, Samuel, 1753 or 4-1822., Plowman, Thomas Lowry., Fairman, Gideon, 1774-1827., and Hooker, William, 1782-1856. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A correct map of the United States with the West Indies : from the b...
Eastern North America, 1813 (Image 4 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3700-1813-l4-sh4. 1813. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Lewis, Samuel, 1753 or 4-1822., Plowman, Thomas Lowry., Fairman, Gideon, 1774-1827., and Hooker, William, 1782-1856. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A correct map of the United States with the West Indies : from the b...
Expugnatio civitatis S. Augustini in America Sitae. JPEG 2000. [Theodore de Bry]. stanford-ty643gx4377. 1599. Boazio, Baptista, Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611, and Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623. Relief shown pictorially. Index: Numerorum in tabula explicatio. Imprint taken from atlas. Based on Boazio's map of 1589. Compass rose. Depicts Dra...
[Lisbon, from "Americae tertia pars"]. JPEG 2000. publisher not identified,. stanford-rx656zw1047. 1592. Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598 and Staden, Hans, approximately 1525-approximately 1576. Relief shown pictorially. Bird's eye view. Depicts Portuguese caravels departing Lisbon for Brazil, the West Indies, and America. Shows port, ships...
AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE divisée en ses principales parties, ou sont distingués les vns des autres LES ESTATS suivant qu'ils appartiennent presentemet aux FRANÇOIS, CASTILLANS, ANGLOIS, SUEDOIS, DANOIS, HOLLANDOIS. Tirée des Relations de toutes ces Nations Par le Sr. Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy. JPEG 2000. stanford-mw236cd6430. 1692. Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712. First issued in 1674. Reissued 1685, 1690, 1692, and 1695. Of these, only the 1692 issue has been seen and listed as a separate state; if the other...
GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Macedonia. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-yy575st6254. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in Macedonia as well as their physical characteristics in urba...
Regni Bohemiae nova descriptio. JPEG 2000. s.n.]. stanford-fc738dp5888. 1618. Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646. P. Kaerius Excudebat Amstelo dami Anno a nato Christo 1618.
Central South America, ca. 1750 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g5200-1750-s4. 1750. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library and Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Paraquariae Provinciae Soc. Iesu cum adiacentibus novissima descript...
Central America & Caribbean Region, 1803 (Image 1 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g4900-1803-a7-sh1. 1803. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823., and Jones & Smith. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Chart of the West Indies and Spanish Dominions in North America, by ...
Central America & Caribbean Region, 1803 (Image 2 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g4900-1803-a7-sh2. 1803. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823., and Jones & Smith. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Chart of the West Indies and Spanish Dominions in North America, by ...
Central America & Caribbean Region, 1803 (Image 3 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g4900-1803-a7-sh3. 1803. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823., and Jones & Smith. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Chart of the West Indies and Spanish Dominions in North America, by ...
Central America & Caribbean Region, 1803 (Image 4 of 4) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g4900-1803-a7-sh4. 1803. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823., and Jones & Smith. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Chart of the West Indies and Spanish Dominions in North America, by ...
Northern South America, ca. 1736 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g5200-1736-l5-copya. 1736. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726., and Homann Erben (Firm). This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Tabula Americae specialis geographica regni Peru, Brasiliae, Terrae ...
112th Congressional Boundaries USA 2011. Shapefile. U.S. Census Bureau. tufts-uscongdistrict11. 2011. This polygon dataset represents 112th congressional boundaries in the United States. The 112th Congressional District Boundaries data set contains ...
State Boundaries USA 2010. Shapefile. U.S. Census Bureau. tufts-usastatebounds10. 2010. This polygon dataset represents state boundaries in the United States. State boundaries with the shore line cut in. The State Boundary with Detaile...
Total Population Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-poptotal-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total population per municipality for 2005. Data comes from the 2005 census, but it has been reviewed by the DANE...
Municipality Boundaries Mexico 2013. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicomunicipalityboundaries13. 2013. This polygon dataset shows boundaries for major municipalities in Mexico.
This dataset is part of the most current version of INEGI's "Marco Geos...
Introductory map : to accompany Willards History of the United States. TIFF. [New York : White, Gallaher, & White, 1829]. princeton-d217qr975. 1829. Willard, Emma, 1787-1870. Relief shown by hachures. Title within neat line: Locations and wandering of the aboriginal tribes. Shows various Native American tribes, where the...
Descriptionis Ptolemaicæ augmentum. JPEG 2000. apud Franciscum Fabri, bibliopolam iuratum,. stanford-yf178kx2075. 1603. Wytfliet, Corneille. Cornelio Wytfliet Louaniensi auctore. First published in 1597 (Louvain: Jan Bogaerd). Relief shown pictorially. Vellum binding. First 2 and last 2 ...
El Salvador’s Total and Registered Displaced Population by Department, 1971-1992. Shapefile. utaustin_73105. Polygon shapefile of El Salvador’s departments representing census data for 1971, 1983, and 1992: 1.) Total population by department in 1971 data w...
Named Urban Areas Mexico 2012. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexiconamedurbanareas12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows urban areas in Mexico, identified by their official geographically recognized place name. These urban localities are fur...
Urban Geostatistical Areas Mexico 2012. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicourbanareas12. 2012.
This polygon dataset shows basic geostatistical urban areas in Mexico. This is based on Mexico's "Inventario Nacional de Viviendas 2012," or their...
Nouvelle description de l'Amerique. JPEG 2000. Jean Boisseau. stanford-nh040md8464. 1643. Boisseau, Jean, active 1637-1658. [Jean Boisseau]. California shown as a large island with slightly rounded northern coast and separated from mainland by very narrow east-west "stra...
Czech lands, ca. 1730 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g6510-1730-v5. 1730. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702., and Leth, Hendrik de, 1703-1766. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Regnum Bohemiae eique annexae provinciae ut Ducatus Silesiae, Marchi...
Female Population Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-popfemale-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total female population per municipality for 2005. Data comes from the 2005 census. No data is available for the...
Male Population Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-popmale-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total male population per municipality for 2005. Data comes from the 2005 census. No data is available for the f...