Novi Belgii, Novæque Angliæ nec non partis Virginiæ tabula. TIFF. [Amsterdam? : Danckerts?, ca. 1673]. princeton-df65vb21k. 1673. Danckerts, Justus, 1635-1701. The first issue of the "Jansson-Visscher series," lacking Philadelphia. Cf. Campbell, T. New light on the Jansson-Visscher maps of New England (In:...
Nova Virginiæ tabula. JPEG 2000. ex officina Judoci Hondii. stanford-qz731xg9124. 1618. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612 and Gryp, Dirck. ex officina Judoci Hondii ; D Grijp sculpt. Relief shown pictorially. North oriented toward right of sheet. Longitudinal lines along margins. Key o...
Navigatio ac itinerarium Iohannis Hugonis Linscotani in orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiam, descriptiones eiusdem terræ ac tractuum littoralium. JPEG 2000. Veneunt apud Iohannem Walschaert,. stanford-jh359kq7869. 1614. Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611, Walschaert, Hans, active 1614-1636, Doetichum, Johan van, the elder, -1600, Doetichum, Johan van, the younger, active 1592-1630, Doetichum, Baptista van, -1611, and Langren, Arnold Florent van, 1580-1644. Abridged Latin translation of Itinerario, voyage ofte schipvaert, Amsterdam, Cornelis Claesz, 1596; Latin translation originally published in the H...
Novi Belgii, Novaeque Angliae nec non Pennsylvaniae et partis Virginiae tabula. [Amsterdam? : Danckerts?, ca. 1683]. princeton-nz806205t. 1683. Danckerts, Justus, 1635-1701. Described as the second issue of the "Jansson-Visscher series," with Philadelphia added to place names on map. Cf. Campbell, cited below. Relief sh...
Mitchell's national map of the American republic or United States of North America. Together with maps of the vicinities of thirty-two of the principal cities and towns in the Union. Philadelphia : Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, 1843, c1842. princeton-2r36v098f. 1843. Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868. Relief shown by hachures. Cover title: Mitchell's national maps of the United States. "Drawn by J.H. Young. Engraved by J.H. Brightly." Second shee...
Portobelo Bay, Panama, 1740 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g4872-p6-1740-d7. 1740. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Durell, Philip, -1766., and Homann Erben (Firm). This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Portus pulchri, in Isthmo Panamensi siti accurata ichnographia ex pr...
Coasts, Atlantic Ocean, ca. 1659 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g9100-1659-d6. 1659. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library and Doncker, Hendrick, 1626-1699, cartographer, printer, publisher. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: West-Indische paskaert : waer in de graden der breedde over weder zy...
Gerardi Mercatoris atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. JPEG 2000. Sumptibus et typis aeneis Iudoci Hondij,. stanford-nb113sp4551. 1609. Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, Mercator, Rumold, approximately 1545-1599, Mercator, Gerard, approximately 1565-1656, Mercator, Michael, -1600, Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568, Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646, Fayen, Antoine Jean du, approximately 1530-approximately 1616, Bompar, Pierre, La Guillotière, François de, Doetichum, Baptista van, -1611, Mercator, Johannes, approximately 1562-1595, and Lubin, Eilhard, 1565-1621. Hondius acquired Marcator's plates in 1604, added to them and re-issued the atlas in 1606, followed by many subsequent editions, including in diffe...
City of New York, NY Planning. Shapefile. New York (N.Y.). Department of City Planning . tufts-nycassemblydistricts13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents districts in New york City, which were created by the Department of City Planning to aid city agencies in administe...
Agriculture Census United States 2002. Shapefile. United States. Department of Agriculture. Statistical Reporting Service. tufts-usagriculturecensus02. 2002. This polygon dataset shows information regarding the 2002 Census of Agriculture in the United States. This map layer portrays a selected set of inf...
Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan. JPEG 2000. printed by the author. stanford-ff287hd0062. 1671. Relief shown pictorially. Latitudinal and longitudinal lines along margins. Imprint taken from atlas. Decorative cartouches (with indigenous figure...
Hanc tabulam continens laetam Pharnambuci victoriam amplissimi consultissimisque Dominis D. Societatis Indiae occidentalis Curatoribus necnon Fortissimo Victoriosissimoque Domino D. Henrico C. Lonq. JPEG 2000. [publisher not identified]. stanford-yy204tr5304. 1630. Visscher, Nicolaes, 1618-1679 and Visscher, Claes Jansz., 1586 or 1587-1652. Nicolaus Ioannis Piscator. Relief shown pictorially. North oriented toward bottom of sheet. Date from pencil inscription on map. Decorative cartouc...
Quomodo Franciscus Draco. JPEG 2000. [Theodore de Bry]. stanford-tv960zg5387. 1599. Boazio, Baptista, Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611, and Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623. Relief shown pictorially. Index: Explicatio numerorum in tabula consignatorum. Imprint taken from atlas. Compass rose. Depicts Drake's attack on Sa...
Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini mathematicor principis, opus Geographiae. JPEG 2000. Lorenz Fries,. stanford-nj123hx9157. 1522. Ptolemy, active 2nd century, Fries, Lorenz, 1491-1550, and Grüninger, Johann, -1532?. Woodcuts based on those by Martin Waldseemüller, 1470-1519. Relief shown pictorially. Vellum binding. First 4 and last 4 pages blank (included in p...
1:1,000,000-Scale County Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). stanford-wg010mf7692. 2014. Geological Survey (U.S.). This polygon shapefile contains the county boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, by showing the counties as ar...
1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2012. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-jv962kc4000. 2012. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays the state boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by e...
Typus orbis terrarum. JPEG 2000. s.n. stanford-mc395sc7323. 1700. California shown a labeled island with a rounded northern coast. America stretches to the north and the west, and is fully connected to the Arctic....
1:1,000,000-Scale National Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). stanford-hb541mt8292. 2014. Geological Survey (U.S.). This polygon shapefile contains the boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by extract...
1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-wj635fh1294. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays the state boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by e...
Indiae orientalis insvlarvmqve adiacientivm typvs. JPEG. (Antwerp). p16022coll230:3600. 1592. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Relief shown pictorially.; Includes title in cartouche, coat of arms and illustrations of ships, mermaids, and sea monsters.; Includes southwest se...
Community Districts New York City 2013. Shapefile. New York (N.Y.). Department of City Planning. tufts-nyccommunitydistricts13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents New York City community districts. These are mandated by the city charter to review and monitor quality of life iss...
Noua Delineatio Geographica generalis Apostolicarum peregrinationum S FRANCISCI XAUERII Indiarum & Iaponiæ Apostoli in EVROPA, AFRICA, ASIA & in Mari AMERICÆ [:] Nieuwe generaele Verbeeldinghe van de Apostelÿcke pelgrimagien vanden H FRANCISCVS XAVERIVS Apostel van Indien ende Iaponien in EVROPA, AFRICA, ASIA, ende ter Zee in AMERICA. JPEG 2000. stanford-cm586dt8501. 1663. Bouttats, Frederik, ca. 1620-1676. Map centers on Eastern Hemisphere and includes Longitudes between 330 deg. West and 230 deg. East and Latitudes between 60 deg North and South, thu...
Global Map: 1:1,000,000-Scale Political Areas of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-cs453hh9696. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile includes Global Map data showing the counties and equivalent entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin...
Global Map: 1:1,000,000-Scale Political Boundary Lines of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-vm820jh8767. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This line shapefile includes Global Map data showing the counties and equivalent entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Is...
1:1,000,000-Scale Core Based Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-bn076jc5300. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains core based statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. The map layer was created from the CENSUS 2010 T...
Brasilia. TIFF. [Amsterdam? : C. Nicolai?, 1602?] ([Arnhem? : Jan Jansson?]). princeton-2514nn91n. 1602. Bertius, Petrus, 1565-1629. In upper margin: Descriptio Brasiliæ. Latin text on verso with caption title: Descriptio Americæ Australis, p. 603. Probably issued in: P. Bertii T...
Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbi-05. 2005. This polygon dataset shows the percentage of households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic needs for mun...
Rural Electricity Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-electricitycoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with electric service, over the total number of rural household...
Federal and Department of Defense Expenditures by State United States 2000 2005 2009. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usfederaldodexpendituresperstate000509. 2000. This polygon dataset shows Federal and Department of Defense (DOD) Expenditures by State for the United States for the years 2000, 2005, and 2009. ...
Federal Expenditures by County United States 2000 2005 2009. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usfedexpenditures000509. 2000. This polygon dataset shows Federal expenditures by US county or county equivalent for the years 2000, 2005, and 2009. Amounts listed are total doll...
Speculum orbis terrae. JPEG 2000. Sumptibus viduae et heredu Gerardi de Iudaeis. stanford-mb161sz2357. 1593. Jode, Gerard de, 1509-1591 and Jode, Cornelis de, 1568-1600. [Gerard de Jode]. Includes text in Latin, attributed to Cornelis de Jode. Engraved title-page, and engraved title for 2nd part: Germania geographic...
MEXICO sive N. HISPANIA. JPEG 2000. stanford-cz352vh4659. 1681. Duval, P. (Pierre), 1619-1682. Title in Latin. California still unlabelled. Map of Mexico and Central America, with southern tip of California shown. Included because later state...
Atlas minor. JPEG 2000. ex officina Ioannis Ianssonii,. stanford-gp531xk9812. 1651. Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594, Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646, Goos, Abraham, Lubin, Eilhard, 1565-1621, Lavanha, João Baptista, 1555-1624, and Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Relief shown pictorially. Latitudinal and longitudinal lines. Index (v. 1): Register und ordnung der taffeln im ersten theil. Index (v. 2): Registe...
Average Number of Dwelling Households per Municipalities, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-avghouseholdsdwelling-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the average number of households per dewelling by municipalities, resulting from the 2005 census. No data is availabl...
Total Number of Households Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-households-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total number of households per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. No data is available for the followi...
Urban/Rural Households Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-householdsurbanrural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total number of households per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. No data is available for the followi...
Cities and Towns of the United States, 2004. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-js689mk1912. 2004. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes cities in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These cities were collected from the 1970 Natio...
Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-bx729wr3020. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. A city or town is a place with a rec...
1:1,000,000-Scale Combined Statistical Areas, 2013. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-mb303sh3837. 2013. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile contains combined statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Combined statistical areas consist of two or more ...
Aqueduct Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-aqueductcoveragetotal-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of households with aqueduct service, over the total number of households per munici...
Electricity Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-electricitycoveragetotal-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of households with electric service, over the total number of households per munici...
Natural Gas Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-naturalgascoveragetotal-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of households with natural gas service, over the total number of households per mun...
Water Sanitation Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-watersanitationcoveragetotal-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of households with water sanitation service, over the total number of households pe...
Rural Aqueduct Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-aqueductcoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with aqueduct service, over the total number of rural household...
Urban Aqueduct Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-aqueductcoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with aqueduct service, over the total number of urban household...
Urban Electricity Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-electricitycoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with electric service, over the total number of urban household...
Rural Natural Gas Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-naturalgascoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with natural gas service, over the total number of rural househ...
Urban Natural Gas Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-naturalgascoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with natural gas service, over the total number of urban househ...
Rural Water Sanitation Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-watersanitationcoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with water sanitation service, over the total number of rural h...
Urban Water Sanitation Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-watersanitationcoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with water sanitation service, over the total number of urban h...
Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 2010. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbi-10. 2010. This polygon dataset presents the percentage of households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic needs per ...
Executive Council District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012. Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhexecutivecouncildistricts12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows the Executive Council district boundaries drawn by the New Hampshirec based on the 2010 US Census population. count. Bou...
Senate District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012. Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhsenatedistricts12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows New Hampshire Senate district boundaries drawn by the New Hampshire Legislature based on the 2010 US Census population ...
State Boundaries Mexico 2013. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicostateboundaries13. 2013. This polygon dataset shows Mexico's state boundaries.
This dataset is part of the most current version of INEGI's "Marco Geostatistico Nacional,"...
Urban Housing Quality Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-urbanhousingquality-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents a score for urban housing quality per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. The score which ranges from 2.13 ...
Housing Quality Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-housingquality-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents a score for housing quality per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. The score which ranges from 1.59 (being...
Global Map: Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-nh933kw1202. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes Global Map data showing cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The data are...
Cities USA 2011. Shapefile. United States. Department of Transportation. Research and Innovative Technology Administration. tufts-uscities11. 2011. This point dataset represents cities in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These cities were collected from the 1970 Nati...
Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay. JPEG 2000. printed by the author. stanford-wb736np8561. 1671. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Relief shown pictorially. Latitudinal and longitudinal lines along margins. Prime meridian: Cape Verde Key in upper right: Notularum explicatio. Im...
Rural Housing Quality Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-ruralhousingquality-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents a score for rural housing quality per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. The score which ranges from 0.59 ...
Urban Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbiurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the percentage of urban households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic need...
Rural Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbirural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the percentage of rural households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic need...
Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 1993. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbi-93. 1993. This polygon dataset presents the percentage of households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic needs per ...
House Floterial District Boundaries New Hampshire 2012 . Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhhousefloterialdistricts12. 2012. This polygon dataset shows the New Hampshire House of Representatives "floterial" district boundaries drawn by the New Hampshire Legislature based ...
Rural Locations Mexico 2012. Shapefile. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (Mexico). tufts-mexicorurallocations12. 2012. This point dataset shows rural locations in Mexico, based on the "Inventario Nacional de Viviendas 2012," or their National Inventory of Homes.
Western Hemisphere, 1740 (Image 1 of 2) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3290-1740-l4-sheet-1. 1740. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University. Library. Open Collections Program, Leth, Andries de, 1662-1731., and Leth, Hendrik de, 1703-1766. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carte nouvelle de la mer du Sud : dressee par ordre des principaux d...
Western Hemisphere, 1740 (Image 2 of 2) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3290-1740-l4-sheet-2. 1740. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University. Library. Open Collections Program, Leth, Andries de, 1662-1731., and Leth, Hendrik de, 1703-1766. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carte nouvelle de la mer du Sud : dressee par ordre des principaux d...
Nicaragua : Nicaragua. TIFF. Washington, D.C. : AID Resources Inventory Center, Corps of Engineers, [1965?]. princeton-tx31qm56k. 1965. United States. Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories. Map shows telephone systems types and density, "Este no es el mapa oficial de la República de Nicaragua. Los límites no son necesariamente aquell...
Tabularum geographicarum contractarum libri quatuor. JPEG 2000. Cornelium Nicolai. stanford-qv774nk8098. 1600. Bertius, Petrus, 1565-1629, Claesz, Cornelis, approximately 1546-1609, Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664, Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, and Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646. P Bertii. Errata on p. [646]. Engraved t.p. with navigators, cosmographers at table and America & ship in background. Verso depicts Magellan's ...
Tabula geographica nova omnium oculis exibens et proponens verissimam descriptionem potentissimi et aurifen Regni Guiana. JPEG 2000. M. Becker]. stanford-qw352zt9270. 1599. Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, Becker, Matthias, active 1573-1606, and Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618. siti per nautam aliguem qui Gualthero Ralegh navigatione semper adsuit delineata. Relief shown pictorially. Decorative cartouches, compass roses, r...
Congressional Districts for 107th Congress United States 2001. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscongdist107th01. 2001. This polygon dataset represents the Congressional Districts of the United States for the 107th Congress. The data set was created by extracting li...
World distribution of spirochetal diseases: 1.Yaws, pinta, bejel. TIFF. New York, NY : American Geographical Society, 1955. princeton-5999n5195. 1955. American Geographical Society of New York. Briesemeister elliptical equal-area projection. On upper right margin: Atlas of distribution of diseases...
Correctional Institution Locations New Hampshire 2006-2009. Shapefile. NH GRANIT (Firm). tufts-nhcorrectionalinstitutions0609. 2008. This point dataset shows correctional institutions in New Hampshire.
Jails and Prisons (Correctional Institutions).
The Jails and Prisons sub-laye...
MEXIQVE ou N.LE ESPAGNE. JPEG 2000. stanford-dq232gc5337. 1661. Duval, P. (Pierre), 1619-1682. Title in French. California unlabelled. M. de Californie to its east Issued in his: Geographie Universelle. -- Paris, ca.1661. Title in Latin: MEXI...
Voter Data per State United States 2000 - 2008. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usvoterperstate0008. 2000. This polygon dataset shows the US percentage of voting age persons registered to vote and voted, per State for 2000-2008. Data is expressed in perc...
[Celestial charts and world maps]. JPEG 2000. s.n. stanford-qg633rp8719. 1700. Includes 7 figures, with a large celestial chart in the center labeled Fig B. California as an island shown in Figures I and D, which are hemispher...
Cities and Towns 1:1,000,000 Scale United States, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscitiestowns1mil14. 2014. This point dataset represents cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with data from the 2010 census. A ci...
[World map]. JPEG 2000. Johann Christoph Weigel. stanford-qh664hf2573. 1719. Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel, 1677-1750. California shown as an unlabeled island with a very indented western coast. Hemispheres are tilted at a 45 degree angle toward the center. Includes...
Orbis vetus, et orbis veteris utraque continens, terrarum q3 tractus Arcticus, et Antarcticus. JPEG 2000. Apud P. Mortier. stanford-fm706sb1090. 1705. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Mortier, Pierre, 1661-1711, and Cóvens et Mortier. Auctore N. Sanson Abbavillaeo, et Christianiss. Galliar Regis Geographo. California shown as an unlabeled island with flat northern coast. Depicts ...
Orbis vetus, et orbis veteris utraque continens, terrarum q3 tractus Arcticus, et Antarcticus. JPEG 2000. Apud P. Mortier. stanford-qx771kk2987. 1705. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Mortier, Pierre, 1661-1711, and Cóvens et Mortier. Auctore N. Sanson Abbavillaeo, et Christianiss. Galliar Regis Geographo. California shown as an unlabeled island with flat northern coast. Depicts ...
Orbis terrarum typus. JPEG 2000. s.n. stanford-dy019kj1197. 1700. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. California shown as a labeled island with a slightly indented northern coast and a few place names. Shows a wide strait to the NW of California. An...
Orbis terrarum typus. JPEG 2000. s.n. stanford-cm303hd3051. 1700. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. California shown as a labeled island with a slightly indented northern coast and a few place names. Shows a wide strait to the NW of California. An...
Mapemonde planisphere ou carte generale du monde. JPEG 2000. s.n. stanford-wb781xz8377. 1710. Baeck, Elias 1679-1747. California as an island with a narrowing northern end. Portion of northwestern continent above California is left blank. Antartic land mass almost ...
New England and Middle Atlantic States, ca. 1730 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library. harvard-g3720-1730-s4. 1730. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard College Library and Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Recens edita totius Novi Belgii in America Septentrionali siti, deli...
Tartariae Imperium. JPEG 2000. Apud Haeredes Simonis Galignani de Karera,. stanford-pm323nt1979. 1596. Magini, Giovanni Antonio, 1555-1617 and Porro, Girolamo, 1520-1604. Giovanni Antonio Magini. From the 1596 atlas : Geographiae universae tum veteris tum novae absolutissimum opus duobus voluminibus distinctum, in qu...
Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea Region, ca. 1708 (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library. harvard-g4390-1708-o8. 1708. Harvard Map Collection, Harvard Library, Ottens, R. (Reiner), 1698-1750., Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765., and R. & J. Ottens. This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Nova Isthmi Americani, qui et Panamiensis item Dariensis, tabula, in...
Combined Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2013. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscsa13. 2013. This polygon dataset represents Combined Statistical Areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Combined statistical areas consist of two or more...
Cities and Towns 1:2,000,000 Scale United States and Virgin Islands 1972-2004. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscitiestowns2mil7204. 1972. This point dataset represents cities in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, collected from the 1970 National Atlas of the U...
AUDIENCE DE GUADALAJARA, NOUVEAU MEXIQUE, CALIFORNIE, &c. JPEG 2000. Chez P. Mariette. stanford-kc128tv5108. 1656. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667. [1656], in French, with imprint 'A Paris chez P. Mariette rue S. Iacques a l'Esperance Avec Pri. pour 20 ans'. Manuscript '63' (top right, outside ...
Core Based Statistical Areas United States and Puerto Rico 2010. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscbsa10. 2013. This polygon datasets portrays core based statistical areas in the United States and Puerto Rico in 2010. The map layer was created from the CENSU...
Built Up Locations United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands 2010. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usbuiltuplocations10. 1972. This point dataset includes Global Map data showing built up areas, primarily cities and towns, in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Vir...
Built Up Locations United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands 2010. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usbuiltupareas10. 1972. This point dataset includes Global Map data showing built up areas, primarily cities and towns, in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Vir...
Ecuador Toponyms. Shapefile. utaustin_121140. This shapefile is comprised of toponymic data generated from topographic maps (1:50,000) of Ecuador’s Oriente - a region which is defined by the tr...