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101. GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Argentina

Point Stanford University Public content GAR15 Global Exposure Dataset for Argentina. Shapefile. United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. stanford-hm299rh3852. 2015. Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. This point shapefile includes estimation on the economic value of the exposed assets in Argentina as well as their physical characteristics in urba...


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICA. JPEG 2000. stanford-jp266yb7109. 1729. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. From Eptiome Geographiae Cluverianae Nova...Phillippi Cluverii? 1727 In Latin. None found. California as an island with indented northern coast and...

103. Map of the railways of the Argentine Republic

University Of Minnesota Public content Map of the railways of the Argentine Republic. JPEG. Talleres Gräficos de la Pentenciari?a Nacional. p16022coll230:2803. 1909. At head of title: National Census of Cattle and Agriculture.; Includes eight insets.|95 x 58 centimeters|Scale 1:2,500,000.

104. A new and accurate map of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Tucumania Guaria &c.

Princeton University Public content A new and accurate map of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Tucumania Guaria &c. TIFF. [London : F. Innys, 1757?]. princeton-tt44pq305. 1757. Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767. Relief shown pictorially. In lower left margin: No. 127. Probably issued in: A complete atlas, or distinct view of the known world. London : For W....

105. America

Image Stanford University Public content America. JPEG 2000. stanford-dc483cp0553. 1729. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. in book: Eptiome Geographiae Cluverianae Nova...Phillippi Cluverii? 1727 In Latin. California as an island with indented northern coast and narrow ...

106. Carte de la Confederation Argentine divisee en ses differentes provinces et territoires et des pays voisins: Etat Oriental de l'Uruguay, Paraguay, partie du Bresil et de la Bolivie, Chili. Par le Dr. V. Martin de Moussy 1867. Grave par L. Kautz r. Bonaparte 82 Paris. Paris - Imp. Lemercier, r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873) (Raster Image)

Raster Stanford University Public content Carte de la Confederation Argentine divisee en ses differentes provinces et territoires et des pays voisins: Etat Oriental de l'Uruguay, Paraguay, partie du Bresil et de la Bolivie, Chili. Par le Dr. V. Martin de Moussy 1867. Grave par L. Kautz r. Bonaparte 82 Paris. Paris - Imp. Lemercier, r. de Seine 57. (Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1873) (Raster Image). GeoTIFF. Cartography Associates. stanford-tn855rr3611. 1867. Rumsey, David, 1944-, Martin de Moussy, V. (Victor), 1810-1869, Kautz, L., Laine, Adolphe, and Imprimerie Lemercier et cie. This layer is a georeferenced image of a map of Argentina and Uruguay, originally created in 1867. The original map appears in "Description geograp...

107. Ports in the Strait of Magalhaens

Princeton University Public content Ports in the Strait of Magalhaens. TIFF. London : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographical Office of the Admiralty, April 10th. 1835. princeton-qn59q6454. 1835. Stokes, Pringle. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. In upper margin: No. 3. In lower margin: 557. Insets: Marian Cove -- Borja Bay. Historic Maps ...

108. The great province of Rio de la Plata

Princeton University Public content The great province of Rio de la Plata. TIFF. [London : Printed for J. Knapton, 1723]. princeton-2f75rb474. 1723. Moll, Herman, d. 1732. Relief shown pictorially. Probably issued in: The compleat geographer, or, The chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. Lond...

109. Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio

Princeton University Public content Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio. TIFF. [Antverpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud I. Moretum, 1601]. princeton-sj139379z. 1587. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. From: Theatrum orbis terrarum. Antverpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud I. Moretum, 1601. Latin text on verso. Map shows Americas, Pacific Ocean ...

110. [America]

Image Stanford University Public content [America]. JPEG 2000. stanford-bc854pr7981. 1719. Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724. California labeled "C". Initials are used as place names throughout, and are keyed to an atlas index. It was used as a teaching atlas. California a...

111. U.S. Census Tracts, 2013

Princeton University Restricted content U.S. Census Tracts, 2013. Shapefile. princeton-g732db55s. 2011. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Tracts represents the U.S. Census tracts of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

112. U.S. Census Tracts, 2017

Princeton University Restricted content U.S. Census Tracts, 2017. Shapefile. Esri. princeton-m613n273g. 2010. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Tracts represents the Census tracts of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

113. AMERICÆ Descriptio

Image Stanford University Public content AMERICÆ Descriptio. JPEG 2000. stanford-bd419mh1051. 1660. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. In Latin. None found. California as an island with flat northern coast, with place names: C. Mendocino, C.d. Pinas, C.d. Galera, I.S. Augustin, C d...

114. AMERICA Septentrionalis

Image Stanford University Public content AMERICA Septentrionalis. JPEG 2000. stanford-xm469xm6113. 1683. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667. California as an island with flat northern coast sloping up to east. Few place names on island: C. Blanq, C. Mendocino, C. de Pinos and C. de S Luc...

115. Chili, the Argentine Republic, & Bolivia (south section)

Princeton University Public content Chili, the Argentine Republic, & Bolivia (south section). TIFF. [Edinburgh? : Published by A. & C. Black?, 1889?]. princeton-4q77ft796. 1889. Bartholomew, John, 1805-1861. In margin: 50. Relief shown by hachures. Probably issued in: General atlas of the world ... [Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 1889?] John Bartho...

116. Rio de la Plata

Princeton University Public content Rio de la Plata. TIFF. London : Published at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty ... ; sold by J. D. Potter, agent for the Admiralty charts ... , [1865?]. princeton-ns0648480. 1865. Great Britain. Hydrographic Dept. Relief shown by hachures; depth shown by bathymetric soundings. At head of title: South America, east coast. "Published ... 10th. Feby. 1857 under ...

117. Novi orbis pars borealis, America scilicet, complectens Floridam, Baccalaon, Canadam, terram Corterialem, Virginiam, Norombecam, pluresque alias provincias

Princeton University Public content Novi orbis pars borealis, America scilicet, complectens Floridam, Baccalaon, Canadam, terram Corterialem, Virginiam, Norombecam, pluresque alias provincias. TIFF. [S.l. : s.n., between 1600 and 1608?]. princeton-bn999858w. 1600. Quad, Matthias, 1557-1613. Relief shown pictorially. Based on Cornelis de Jode's map of America, showing Northwest passage, Virginia placed in New England area, and a peninsu...

118. Americæ nova tabula

Princeton University Public content Americæ nova tabula. TIFF. [Amsterdami? : Apud Guiljelmum et Iohannem Blaeu?, 1635?]. princeton-qr46r266q. 1635. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. Relief shown pictorially. "Cum privilegio decem annorum." Appears in Blaeu's Theatrum orbis terrarum. Includes inset of Greenland, note, and ill., ...

119. Map of the United States showing the distribution of the lines of mean annual temperature : prepared to illustrate the corresponding distribution of the population at the date of the Tenth Census

Pennsylvania State University Public content Map of the United States showing the distribution of the lines of mean annual temperature : prepared to illustrate the corresponding distribution of the population at the date of the Tenth Census. JPEG. [Census Bureau]. 7140014d-17ab-4ab5-ba2e-c440a2a59cdc. 1880. Gannett, Henry, 1846-1914. Scale [ca. 1:12,000,000]; 1 map: color, mounted on linen; 26 x 41 cm Atmospheric temperature--United States--Maps.

120. Peruuiae auriferæ regionis typus

Princeton University Public content Peruuiae auriferæ regionis typus. TIFF. [Antwerp : Plantin, 1591]. princeton-j098zc942. 1591. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Shows portion of Central America, northwestern South America, southern United States, and coast of Tamaulipas in Mexico. Relief shown pictorially. ...

121. U.S. Census Block Groups, 2017

Princeton University Restricted content U.S. Census Block Groups, 2017. Shapefile. Esri. princeton-6395wc232. 2010. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Census Block Groups represents the Census block groups of the United States in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

122. Americae nova tabula

University Of Chicago Public content Americae nova tabula. JPEG. Abraham Ortelius. 5cfaa6aa-db0e-4056-8622-70145a3f4298. 1635. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. 1 map: color; Relief shown pictorially; Shows drainage and settlements; Appears in the author's Le théâtre dv monde, on novvel atlas; Includes 10...

123. Americae

Image Stanford University Public content Americae. JPEG 2000. [Theodore de Bry],. stanford-qx744gb3141. 1593. Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611, and Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623. Relief shown pictorially. Imprint taken from atlas. Shows fortified settlements on the islands of St. Vincent and Maro, and the surrounding mainlan...

124. L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l' Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques autres, & sur les Memoires les plus recens

Image Stanford University Public content L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Dressée sur les Observations de Mrs. de l' Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques autres, & sur les Memoires les plus recens. JPEG 2000. stanford-kv124sx5188. 1700. L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. California as peninsula; west coast extended north to C. Mendocin. Engraved by: N. Guerard (below title cartouche). Title cartouche with mythologic...

125. Americae

Image Stanford University Public content Americae. JPEG 2000. Hugo Allard. stanford-tt437zq0720. 1640. Allardt, Hugo, -1691 and Velde, Jan van de, 1593-1641. Hugo Allardt excudit. inde Kalver Straet inde Werrelt Kaert ; Velde schulp. Relief shown pictorially. California shown as an island with indented n...


Image Stanford University Public content TOTIVS AMERICÆ NOVA ET EXACTA TABVLA EX OPTIMIS TVM GEOGRAPHORVM, TVM ALIORVM | SCRIPTIS COLLECTA, ET AD HODIERNAM REGNORVM PRINCIPATVVM, ET MAI[?]RVM PARTIVM DISTINCTIONEM ACCOMMODATA PER CORN. DANKERVM |[=] CARTE NOVVELLE ET EXACTE DE L'AMERIQVE NOVVELLEMENT DRESSEE SVR LES MEMOIRES | DES MEILLEURS GEOGRAPHES ET AVTRES ESCRIVAINS DE NOSTRE TEM [ ... ?] ET PRINCIPALES PARTIES QVY SY TROVVENT A PRESENT. JPEG 2000. stanford-tf486tz1347. 1647. Per Corn. Dankervm, Mariette, Pierre, Mariette, Pierre (ca. 1602-53), Danckerts, Cornelius, the younger (1664-1717), and Duval [Du Val], Pierre (1618-83). Referred to as “old ugly.” Framed on the wall in the basement hallway. Title in Latin and French.California as an island with flat northern coast....

127. Dominia Anglorum in America Septentrionali

Princeton University Public content Dominia Anglorum in America Septentrionali. [Norimbergæ, 1759]. princeton-wd375z66h. 1759. Homann Erben (Firm). Relief shown pictorially. Sheet title in Latin and German. Individual map titles and text in German. Maps in English and German. From the authors' ...


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICÆ SEPTENTRIONALIS TABULA. JPEG 2000. stanford-gn298pj4727. 1704. Wells, Edward, 1667-1727. See also separate entry in book database. California as an island with indented northern coast and blank to its north. None found. Dedicated to Tho...

129. Atlas de la America del Sur

Image Stanford University Public content Atlas de la America del Sur. JPEG 2000. Direccion Hidrografica de Madrid ;. stanford-zs890wk1927. 1800. Espinosa, Jose de, Salazar, Luis Maria de, Massa, Gasparo, González, Tomás, Maré, M. C., Oyarvide, Andrés de, Bauzá, Felipe, Esteve, Rafael, 1772-1847, Morata, Juan, Noguera, C., Jorata, J., Lángara, Juan de, 1736-1806, Selma, Ferdinand, 1752-1810, Moreno Tejada, Juan, Gangoiti, Pedro Manuel, 1779-1830, Cornel, Antonio, Noguera, Clemente, Cardano, Felipe, Malaspina, Alessandro, 1754-1809, and Spain Dirección de Hidrografía. Leather binding with decorative gilt trim. Marbled end papers. First 4 and last 4 pages blank (included in page description). Depths shown by bathy...

130. Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay

Image Stanford University Public content Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay. JPEG 2000. printed by the author. stanford-wb736np8561. 1671. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Relief shown pictorially. Latitudinal and longitudinal lines along margins. Prime meridian: Cape Verde Key in upper right: Notularum explicatio. Im...

131. Novissima et Accuratissima TOTIUS AMERICÆ DESCRIPTIO

Image Stanford University Public content Novissima et Accuratissima TOTIUS AMERICÆ DESCRIPTIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-sk402kh8074. 1671. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Engraved by: F. Lamb, Sculp (lower right). Wagner 404; Tooley 35 (Plate 42). Place names in Latin. Based on Visscher map; California as an island w...

132. Descripcion de las Yndias Ocidentales

Image Stanford University Public content Descripcion de las Yndias Ocidentales. JPEG 2000. Nicolas Rodriquez Franco. stanford-qs151yz7949. 1726. Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, -1625. Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas, who was the official historian of Castile and the Indies compiled a history of the Spanish conquests and early ex...

133. Totius Africæ

Image Stanford University Public content Totius Africæ. JPEG 2000. [s.n. stanford-ww960jk4650. 1670. Wit, Frederik de. authore, Frederico de Wit. Relief shown pictorially. In Latin.

134. Le provincie di Quito, Lima, e Plata

Princeton University Public content Le provincie di Quito, Lima, e Plata. TIFF. Venezia : Presso Antonio Zatta e figli, 1794. princeton-h702q882k. 1794. Zatta, Antonio, active 1757-1797. Map of Ecuador, Peru, Chile and part of Argentina; relief shown pictorially. From: Atlante novissimo. Venezia [Venice] : Presso Antonio Zatta, 1779...


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-qf555ns8242. 1745. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. [1745], Mare Iesso rather than Mare de Iesso as in State 1. Much of the lettering in the oceans is in bold. In German and Latin. California as an i...


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-nj318gt4956. 1745. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. Includes bibliographical references (p. xv-xvi) and indexes. In German and Latin. California as an island with indented northern coast, including n...

137. America Septentrionalis

Image Stanford University Public content America Septentrionalis. JPEG 2000. Venalis prostat apud Tobiam Conr. Lotter. stanford-xg598wd4681. 1772. Lotter, Georg Friedrich, Lotter, Tobias Conrad, 1717-1777, and L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. per G. de L'Isle, geographum. G.F. Lotter, sculps. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Includes "Annotatio." Based on De L'Isle's map of 1700. ...

138. Rand, McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world map of Colombia and Venezuela

Princeton University Public content Rand, McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world map of Colombia and Venezuela. TIFF. [Chicago] : Rand, McNally & Co., c1892. princeton-ms35tc07w. 1892. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes insets: Isthmus of Panama showing location of railroad and canal -- Map showing railroad betwee...

139. La Paz

University Of Maryland Public content La Paz. TIFF. Army Map Service. 90cab090-fb52-49fc-9484-d703482aa47e. 1922. Map of South America - La Paz , 1922. Scale=1:1,000,000. Topography, towns, roads, political boundaries for parts of Bolivia, Chile, Peru.


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALlS. JPEG 2000. stanford-wn503xg3716. 1653. Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651 or 1652-1726 and Schenk, Pieter, approximately 1698-1775. California of Briggs type, with nearly flat northern coast. C. Blanco is point furthest north. Includes I. de Ceintas off west coast of California....


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICA SEPTENTRIO= NALIS. JPEG 2000. stanford-kc023qd4183. 1700. Hondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651 and Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Later reproduction, [unknown date], with Amstelodami, Excusum apud Iudocum et Henricum Hondium. Anno 1631. with text of manuscript appearance. With...


Image Stanford University Public content AMERICÆ Aucta DELINEATIO. JPEG 2000. stanford-vj690bj8285. 1720. Weigel, Christoph, 1654-1725. See general notes. [1745], Mare Iesso rather than Mare de Iesso as in State 1. Much of the lettering in the oceans is in bold. Issued in: Atlas por...

143. MEXICVM In hac forma in lucem edebat

Image Stanford University Public content MEXICVM In hac forma in lucem edebat. JPEG 2000. stanford-dz199sd1640. 1660. Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista, 1610-1670. California with 5 place names: C. Blanco, D.d.Pinos, C.S.Martin, P.ta d.Palmar, and C.S.Lucas. Issued in his: Dell'Hercole e studio geografico, [Ma...

144. [Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio]

Image Stanford University Public content [Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio]. JPEG 2000. Abraham Ortelius. stanford-ms282mt5756. 1570. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. [Abraham Ortelius] Relief shown pictorially. [In Ortel (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. fol. Antiverpiæ, apud Ægid Coppenium Diesth, 1570]. Cum ...


Image Stanford University Public content CONTINENTEM NOVITER DETECTAM COMPONEBAT. JPEG 2000. stanford-hc386xs3338. 1660. Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista, 1610-1670. California with 2 place names: C. Blanco and C.S. Lucas. California with 3rd place name: C. de Pinos. Issued in his: Dell' Hercole e studio geograf...

146. Agriculture Census of the United States, 2007

Polygon Stanford University Public content Agriculture Census of the United States, 2007. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-fz453mf0269. 2007. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays a selected set of information that was collected for the 2007 Census of Agriculture by the National Agricultural St...

148. Agriculture Census of the United States, 2002

Polygon Stanford University Public content Agriculture Census of the United States, 2002. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-qp249dw6789. 2002. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays a selected set of information that was collected for the 2002 Census of Agriculture by the National Agricultural St...

149. Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio

University Of Chicago Public content Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio. JPEG. Abraham Ortelius. 7e0062d1-6643-4c90-aaa0-97bac5389481. 1570. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. 1 map: hand colored; Relief shown pictorially; (In Ortel (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. fol. Antiverpiæ, apud Ægid Coppenium Diesth, 1570); Cu...

150. Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio

University Of Chicago Public content Americae sive novi orbis nova descriptio. JPEG. abc7e5d3-61a1-44db-9f88-7e254a2016ed. 1570. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. 1 map: hand colored; Relief shown pictorially; (In Ortel (Abraham). Theatrum orbis terrarum. fol. Antiverpiæ, apud Ægid Coppenium Diesth, 1570); Cu...