Nicaragua economic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-6108vk41s. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...
Nicaragua housing data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-9s161f32g. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...
Nicaragua migration data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-2801pq49z. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...
Nicaragua social data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-ff365d41c. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...
Nicaragua transportation data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-k643b832z. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...
Rural and Urban Population Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-popurbanrural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the urban and rural population per municipality. Data comes from the 2005 census, but it has been reviewed by the DAN...
Rural Aqueduct Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-aqueductcoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with aqueduct service, over the total number of rural household...
Rural Electricity Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-electricitycoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with electric service, over the total number of rural household...
Rural Housing Quality Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-ruralhousingquality-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents a score for rural housing quality per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. The score which ranges from 0.59 ...
Rural Natural Gas Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-naturalgascoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with natural gas service, over the total number of rural househ...
Rural Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbirural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the percentage of rural households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic need...
Rural Water Sanitation Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-watersanitationcoveragerural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of rural households with water sanitation service, over the total number of rural h...
Total Number of Households Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-households-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total number of households per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. No data is available for the followi...
Total Population Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-poptotal-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total population per municipality for 2005. Data comes from the 2005 census, but it has been reviewed by the DANE...
Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbi-05. 2005. This polygon dataset shows the percentage of households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic needs for mun...
Urban Aqueduct Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-aqueductcoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with aqueduct service, over the total number of urban household...
Urban Electricity Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-electricitycoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with electric service, over the total number of urban household...
Urban Housing Quality Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-urbanhousingquality-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents a score for urban housing quality per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. The score which ranges from 2.13 ...
Urban Natural Gas Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-naturalgascoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with natural gas service, over the total number of urban househ...
Urban Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbiurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the percentage of urban households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic need...
Urban Water Sanitation Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-watersanitationcoverageurban-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of urban households with water sanitation service, over the total number of urban h...
Urban/Rural Households Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-householdsurbanrural-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the total number of households per municipality, resulting from the 2005 census. No data is available for the followi...
Water Sanitation Coverage Per Municipality, Colombia, 2005. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-watersanitationcoveragetotal-05. 2005. This polygon dataset presents the ratio between the percentage of households with water sanitation service, over the total number of households pe...
Cities and Towns of the United States, 2004. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-js689mk1912. 2004. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes cities in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These cities were collected from the 1970 Natio...
Population at the SDE (Section d'énumération) level Port au-Prince Haiti 2003. Shapefile. Elsevier-Dutton (Publishing firm). tufts-haitipopulationsde2003. 2003. This polygon dataset represents population density within Haiti at the SDE (Section d'énumération) level from 2003.
Agriculture Census of the United States, 2002. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-qp249dw6789. 2002. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays a selected set of information that was collected for the 2002 Census of Agriculture by the National Agricultural St...
Agriculture Census United States 2002. Shapefile. United States. Department of Agriculture. Statistical Reporting Service. tufts-usagriculturecensus02. 2002. This polygon dataset shows information regarding the 2002 Census of Agriculture in the United States. This map layer portrays a selected set of inf...
Chile demographic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-3f462d60j. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...
Chile economic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-q524jw919. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...
Chile housing data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-bz60d4410. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...
Chile migration data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-76537850n. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...
Chile social data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-tx31qr84m. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...
Chile transportation data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-zp38wm78s. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...
Paraguay demographic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-4q77g051w. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Paraguay economic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-h128nn86b. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Paraguay housing data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-rf55zg853. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Paraguay migration data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-w6634b79g. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Paraguay social data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-mp48sm931. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
Paraguay transportation data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-0z709461n. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...
U.S. Highways, 2008. Shapefile. Esri. princeton-k3569847z. 2002. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Highways represents the major and minor highways of the United States. These include interstates, U.S. highways, state highways, major roads, ...
U.S. Major Highways, 2008. Shapefile. Esri. princeton-2514nq64k. 2002. TomTom North America, Inc. U.S. Major Highways represents the major highways of the United States. These include interstates, U.S. highways, state highways, and major roads. ...
Congressional Districts for 107th Congress United States 2001. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-uscongdist107th01. 2001. This polygon dataset represents the Congressional Districts of the United States for the 107th Congress. The data set was created by extracting li...
Federal and Department of Defense Expenditures by State United States 2000 2005 2009. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usfederaldodexpendituresperstate000509. 2000. This polygon dataset shows Federal and Department of Defense (DOD) Expenditures by State for the United States for the years 2000, 2005, and 2009. ...
Federal Expenditures by County United States 2000 2005 2009. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usfedexpenditures000509. 2000. This polygon dataset shows Federal expenditures by US county or county equivalent for the years 2000, 2005, and 2009. Amounts listed are total doll...
Voter Data per State United States 2000 - 2008. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). tufts-usvoterperstate0008. 2000. This polygon dataset shows the US percentage of voting age persons registered to vote and voted, per State for 2000-2008. Data is expressed in perc...
MassDEP Bureau of Waste Prevention location of Major Facilities Massachusetts 1993-2013. Shapefile. MassGIS (Office : Mass.) . tufts-mafacility9313. 1993. The point dataset represents a statewide point dataset containing the location of a subset of facility types regulated by MassDEP’s Bureau of Waste...
Unsatisfied Basic Needs (NBI) Per Municipality, Colombia, 1993. Shapefile. Instituto Geografico "Agustin Codazzi". tufts-colombia-nbi-93. 1993. This polygon dataset presents the percentage of households and persons in conditions of poverty or misery according to unsatisfied basic needs per ...
Costa Rica. (1991/relief). . TIFF. Central Intelligence Agency. princeton-fj236354d. 1991. Central Intelligence Agency. This is a map of Costa Rica with relief, shown at a 1:1,500,000 scale. The map was created by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Costa Rica summary map. (1991/relief). . TIFF. Central Intelligence Agency. princeton-47429b53k. 1991. Central Intelligence Agency. This is a map of Costa Rica, shown at a scale of 1:1,500,000. Included is information pertaining to the country profile. The map was created by the...
Caribbean America. TIFF. [Washington, D.C. : Central Intelligence Agency], 1986. princeton-dv13zv863. 1986. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. "800371 7-86." Relief shown by shading and spot heights. "Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative.".