Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University

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Current results range from 1522 to 2015

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251. En Bohemiae nova, et exacta descriptio

Image Stanford University Public content En Bohemiae nova, et exacta descriptio. JPEG 2000. Bolognini Zalterii formis. stanford-yh535fg4541. 1550. Zaltieri, Bolognino, active 1555-1576. Relief shown pictorially. 2 bar scales on map, given in "Miliaria Germanica" (10 units [= 15.3 cm] and "Miliaria Italica." Decorative border and ca...

252. Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini mathematicor principis, opus Geographiae

Image Stanford University Public content Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini mathematicor principis, opus Geographiae. JPEG 2000. Lorenz Fries,. stanford-nj123hx9157. 1522. Ptolemy, active 2nd century, Fries, Lorenz, 1491-1550, and Grüninger, Johann, -1532?. Woodcuts based on those by Martin Waldseemüller, 1470-1519. Relief shown pictorially. Vellum binding. First 4 and last 4 pages blank (included in p...

253. Dominican Republic (Geographic Feature Names, 2003)

Point Massachusetts Institute of Technology Public content Dominican Republic (Geographic Feature Names, 2003). Shapefile. United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. mit-znd467ytlnmhe. United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Geographic feature names for Dominican Republic.

254. Ecuador Toponyms

Point The University of Texas at Austin Public content Ecuador Toponyms. Shapefile. utaustin_121140. This shapefile is comprised of toponymic data generated from topographic maps (1:50,000) of Ecuador’s Oriente - a region which is defined by the tr...