Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University

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76901. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2015

Polygon Public content Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2015. Shapefile. AEC70343-7AC6-4832-9841-8D7BAA30DA16. 2015. Winnebago County. This data layer represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2015. [Town Zoning for the Town of Black Wolf, Winnebago County, Wisconsin. Th...

76902. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2016

Polygon Public content Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2016. Geodatabase. 451103BF-04E0-42DB-B9FD-6929C961D6AC. 2016. Winnebago County. This data layer represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Winnebago_Zoning_2016'. Zo...

76903. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2017

Polygon Public content Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. 1AE44C04-9564-4461-BBDC-AB8347538414. 2017. Winnebago County. These polygon data layers represent zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2017. They are feature classes within the geodatabase 'Winnebago_Zoni...

76904. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2018

Polygon Public content Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2018. Geodatabase. ECB0C17A-A6C0-4BC2-9EF8-957102A9C5C4. 2018. Winnebago County. These data layers represent zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2018. It is a feature class within the geodatabase 'Winnebago_Zoning_2018.gdb...

76905. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2019

Polygon Public content Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2019. Geodatabase. 6A1533E4-8C4B-43C9-B2CE-2EBAC6E8677B. 2019. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'Winnebago_General_2019' and 'Winnebago_Shoreland_2019'.

76906. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2020

Polygon Public content Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2020. Geodatabase. 04145000-9B68-405F-A8A3-080A034FED77. 2020. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2020 and includes the layers 'Winnebago_General_2020' and 'Winnebago_Shoreland_2020'.

76907. Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2021

Polygon Public content Zoning Winnebago County, WI 2021. Geodatabase. E57D5587-0CED-4953-84C8-D05E63DF9684. 2021. Winnebago County. This data represents zoning for Winnebago County, Wisconsin in 2021 and includes the layers 'Winnebago_Airport_2021,' 'Winnebago_General_2021,' and...

76908. Zoning Wisconsin (Statewide), 2016

Polygon Public content Zoning Wisconsin (Statewide), 2016. Geodatabase. D146311B-E626-4198-94F9-4A9CC7155D49. 2016. Wisconsin Department of Administration. This file was aggregated as part of the final deliverable for the Version 2 Statewide Parcel Map Database Project (V2). This feature class represen...

76909. Zoning Wisconsin (Statewide), 2017

Polygon Public content Zoning Wisconsin (Statewide), 2017. Geodatabase. 3025DEBE-63C0-472B-92C5-CEDD065E0108. 2017. Wisconsin Department of Administration. This file was aggregated as part of the final deliverable for the Version 3 Statewide Parcel Map Database Project (V3). This feature class represen...

76910. Zoning Wood County, WI 2016

Polygon Public content Zoning Wood County, WI 2016. Geodatabase. 1E6ED4EB-50FE-42CA-B266-C17BCADDC401. 2016. Wood County. This polygon data layer represents zoning as FEMA flood hazards for Wood County, Wisconsin in 2016. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, W...

76911. Zoning Wood County, WI 2017

Polygon Public content Zoning Wood County, WI 2017. Geodatabase. 428B023F-4BE5-4688-A931-218998B9B982. 2017. Wood County. This polygon data layer represents floodplain zoning for Wood County, Wisconsin in 2017. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Wood_Zoning_...

76912. Zōtei Izu shichitō zenzu

University Of Michigan Public content Zōtei Izu shichitō zenzu. JPEG. c25fcd8f-7e93-4cd8-8dd0-23aecb429a3d. 1842. Abe, Rekisai, publisher., Takada, Shinshō, publisher., and Sobajima, Seishin, publisher. 1 map : col. ; 75 x 106 cm., folded in covers 26 x 18 cm.|Wood block print.|Relief shown pictorially.|Oriented with north to the left.|Date of publ...

76913. Zwölffter Theil Der Newen Welt

Image Stanford University Public content Zwölffter Theil Der Newen Welt. JPEG 2000. stanford-dh333mg9720. 1623. Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, -1625. 1623, in German, with a slightly slimmer California and several changes to title page: figure of Magellanus and medallion of Christophorvs Colvmbvs...