[Collection of NASA ERTS images of the Red Sea area, Gulf of Aden area and parts of the Arabian Peninsula]
. JPEG 2000. EROS Data Center]. stanford-cf150bq6175. 1972. United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA ERTS. Arranged by centerpoint latitude and longitude. Dated Sep. 6, 1972-Jan. 14, 1976. Most frames are MSS bands 4 or 7; multiple copies of d...
[Collection of NASA ERTS images of the Red Sea area, Gulf of Aden area and parts of the Arabian Peninsula]
. JPEG 2000. EROS Data Center]. stanford-sp113wg4283. 1972. United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA ERTS. Arranged by centerpoint latitude and longitude. Dated Sep. 6, 1972-Jan. 14, 1976. Most frames are MSS bands 4 or 7; multiple copies of d...
[Collection of NASA ERTS images of the Red Sea area, Gulf of Aden area and parts of the Arabian Peninsula]
. JPEG 2000. EROS Data Center]. stanford-pf561zd9170. 1972. United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA ERTS. Arranged by centerpoint latitude and longitude. Dated Sep. 6, 1972-Jan. 14, 1976. Most frames are MSS bands 4 or 7; multiple copies of d...
Afghānistān, Map Series Index. GeoJSON. Harvard Map Collection. harvard-g7630-s100-a3-index-gr. 1960. Harvard Map Collection, Da Afghānistān Kārtūgrāfī Muʼassasah, and Afghanistan. Vizārat-i Maʻādin va Ṣanāʼiʻ. This polygon is an index to 1:100,000 scale maps of Afghanistan, titled Afghānistān. This map series was originally produced by Da Afghānistān Kār...
Bolivia 1:50,000: Comunidad Villa Copacabana, hoja 6150 IV. Serie H731. TIFF. [La Paz] : Instituto geográfico militar, 1996. princeton-0p096876r. 1996. Bolivia. Instituto Geografico Militar. Japan International Cooperation Agency. Bolivia. Instituto Geografico Militar. Japan International Cooperation Agency. Kokusai Kyoryoku Jigyoda. North Decimal Degree -14.333300. South Dec...
Carte Des Isles Moluques, 1780. GeoTIFF. sde-columbia-cartedesislesmoluques. 1780. Research Data Services (RDS), Columbia University Libraries and Brion de la Tour, Louis. This is a scanned version of the 1780 paper map entitled: Carte Des Isles Moluques. The map was scanned at 300 dots per inch and is in the TIFF for...
Culverts and Ditches Chelsea MA 2005. Shapefile. Chelsea (Mass.). Information Technology Dept. tufts-chelseaculvertsditches05. 2005. This polyline datalayer indicates the culverts and ditches within Chelsea, MA.
Gold Coast Survey Accra, Map Series Index. GeoJSON. Harvard Map Collection. harvard-g8854-a2-s1-g6-index-gr. 1922. Harvard Map Collection and Gold Coast. Survey Department. This polygon is an index to 1:1,250 scale maps of Accra (Ghana), titled Gold Coast Survey Accra. This map series was originally produced by the Gol...
Hydro (Polygon) Fond du Lac County, WI 2010. Geodatabase. 56794575-D9BA-4FA7-BE3D-F30E27AEBE12. 2010. Fond du Lac County. This polygon data layer represents hydrography for Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin in 2010. It is a feature class within the geodatabase, Fond_du_Lac...