Mapping Interstate Territorial Conflict, 1947-2000 (v2). Shapefile. Stanford Digital Repository. stanford-jn766dx6840. 2019. Schultz, Kenneth A. This polygon shapefile represents areas that were the subject of interstate territorial disputes between 1947 and 2000. The disputed areas referenc...
El Salvador Census 2007. stanford-jt240gy2762. 2018. East View Cartographic, Inc and El Salvador Dirección General de Estadística y Censos. This collection contains shapefiles representing key statistics from the Censos nacionales VI de población y V de vivienda 2007 of El Salvador. The...
Chile census areas, 2017 (Zonas Censales). Shapefile. princeton-5t34sp578. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. The division of the Census District in urban areas, formed by a conglomerate of blocks. Its purpose is to facilitate the organization, control, and...
Chile census districts, 2017 (Distritos Censales). Shapefile. princeton-pr76f741r. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Census districts are sections into which the commune is divided for the ground operations of the Population and Housing Census and other surveys ge...
Chile communes, 2017 (Comuna). Shapefile. princeton-k0698c50d. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. The communes may have urban, rural or mixed characteristics. In the territory of a commune there may be more than one urban center, be it a city (m...
Chile hamlet boundaries, 2017 (Limite Aldea). Shapefile. princeton-f7623h58k. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Defined areas for the precensus survey that recognize hamlet-type entities, made up of blocks with the characteristics of urban locations.[Áreas de...
Chile precensus blocks, 2017 (Manzana Precensal). Shapefile. princeton-th83m333t. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. A block is a territorial unit used for statistical purposes, preferably delimited by streets, property boundaries, or, failing that, watercourses a...
Chile provinces, 2017 (Provincia). Shapefile. princeton-ws859k66c. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Provinces are the units into which a region is administratively divided, with a characteristic productive destination and cultural identity (techni...
Chile regions, 2017 (Region). Shapefile. princeton-s4655m59p. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. The Region is the territory organized around a central place with relatively homogeneous spatial physical characteristics, with a greater subnation...
Chile urban census boundaries, 2017 (Limite Urbano Censal). Shapefile. princeton-9k41zj50f. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. In census terms, the census urban boundary (LUC) delimits the urban space in the territory to differentiate it from the rural areas, to execute the...
Mapa Guaraní Continental : localización de las comunidades Guaraní en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay / mapa elaborado en el ámbito de la Campaña Guaraní por Alicia Rolla, (SA) ; Camila Salles ; Wolfgang Grünberg. [São Paulo, Brasil] : Instituto Socioambiental, 2016. princeton-dcr494vx937. 2016. Rolla, Alicia. Relief shown by shading. Shows the location of the Guaraní communities, international and administrative boundaries, roads and railroads. Map on ...
First-level Administrative Divisions, El Salvador, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-nx355tz9363. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the first-level administrative divisions of El Salvador (adm1). Level 1 divisions include departments. This layer i...
National Boundary, El Salvador, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-dp227mh6890. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the national boundary of El Salvador (adm0). This layer is part of the Global Administrative Areas 2015 (v2.8) data...
Second-level Administrative Divisions, El Salvador, 2015. Shapefile. University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. stanford-cw895kv4960. 2015. Hijmans, Robert J. and University of California, Berkeley. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. This polygon shapefile contains the second-level administrative divisions of El Salvador (adm2). Level 2 divisions include municipalities. This lay...
1:1,000,000-Scale County Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). stanford-wg010mf7692. 2014. Geological Survey (U.S.). This polygon shapefile contains the county boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, by showing the counties as ar...
1:1,000,000-Scale National Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. Geological Survey (U.S.). stanford-hb541mt8292. 2014. Geological Survey (U.S.). This polygon shapefile contains the boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by extract...
1:1,000,000-Scale State Boundaries of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-wj635fh1294. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This polygon shapefile portrays the state boundaries of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by e...
Cibola County, New Mexico roads, 2014. Shapefile. princeton-tx31qn109. 2014. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Geographic Products Branch. Roads and highways in Cibola County, New Mexico, 2014. The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geogr...
Cities and Towns of the United States, 2014. Shapefile. National Atlas of the United States. stanford-bx729wr3020. 2014. National Atlas of the United States. This point shapefile includes cities and towns in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. A city or town is a place with a rec...
El Dorado County, California roads, 2014. Shapefile. princeton-nk322h79v. 2014. U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Geographic Products Branch. Roads and highways in El Dorado County, California, 2014. The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected ge...