Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University

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1. Chile social data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile social data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-tx31qr84m. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

2. Chile economic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile economic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-q524jw919. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

3. Chile demographic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile demographic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-3f462d60j. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

4. Chile migration data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile migration data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-76537850n. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

5. Chile housing data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile housing data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-bz60d4410. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

6. Chile transportation data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Chile transportation data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-zp38wm78s. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Chile from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and include...

7. Caribbean America

Princeton University Public content Caribbean America. TIFF. [Washington, D.C. : Central Intelligence Agency], 1986. princeton-dv13zv863. 1986. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. "800371 7-86." Relief shown by shading and spot heights. "Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative.".

9. South America ; Guatecas Islands ; Port Low

Princeton University Public content South America ; Guatecas Islands ; Port Low. TIFF. [London] : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty : Sold by R.B. Bate, agent for the Admiralty charts, Sept. 1st 1840. princeton-5m60qv35m. 1840. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. "1296"--Lower right margin. Inset: Inner Port.

10. Nighttime Lights of Latin America and the Caribbean - Human Settlements, 1994-1995

Raster Stanford University Public content Nighttime Lights of Latin America and the Caribbean - Human Settlements, 1994-1995. GeoTIFF. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. stanford-vt902fz3161. 2009. National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. This map shows light sources from human settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean as observed during 1994-1995. The Defense Meteorological Sat...

11. Argentina migration data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina migration data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcw9505b06r. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official migration data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

12. Argentina demographic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina demographic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcrj430g155. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official demographic data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

13. Argentina employment data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina employment data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dccc08hs21j. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official employment data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

14. Argentina education data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina education data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dch128nr30f. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official education data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

15. Argentina housing data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina housing data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-dcms35tm23r. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official housing data from the 2010 Argentina census. Data are presented at the level of townships (fourth-order administrative divisions).

16. Guyana housing data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana housing data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-ks65hm35f. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

17. Guyana economic data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana economic data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-qj72pg280. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

18. Guyana social data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana social data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-3t945z930. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

19. Guyana transportation data from 2012 census

Princeton University Restricted content Guyana transportation data from 2012 census. Shapefile. princeton-02871402z. 2012. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Guyana from the 2012 census. This census is provided at the council administrative level (ADM3) and includ...

20. Uruguay migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-9s161f33z. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

21. Uruguay housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-q237j111w. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

22. Uruguay economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-2b88qm34p. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

23. Uruguay social data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay social data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-fj236926h. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

24. Uruguay demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-6395wg258. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

25. Uruguay transportation data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Uruguay transportation data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-k930c5205. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Uruguay from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the census tract administrative level (ADM3) and ...

26. Colombia demographic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia demographic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-t722hg80m. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

27. Colombia economic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia economic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-pg15bm88x. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

28. Colombia housing data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia housing data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-jq085r97b. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

29. Colombia migration data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia migration data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-dz010x052. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

30. Colombia social data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Colombia social data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-9593v212m. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Colombia from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

31. Venezuela social data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela social data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-db78tm211. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

32. Peru social data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru social data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-37720m89d. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

33. Peru migration data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru migration data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-m900p258v. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

34. Venezuela transportation data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela transportation data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-j098zk30x. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

35. Peru housing data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru housing data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-gh93h6673. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

36. Venezuela demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-2227mx843. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

37. Peru economic data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru economic data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-br86bb72k. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

38. Venezuela economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-x920g504f. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

39. Venezuela housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-sj139913v. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

40. Venezuela migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Venezuela migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-ns064f228. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Venezuela from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the parroquias administrative level (ADM3) and ...

41. Peru demographic data from 2007 census

Princeton University Restricted content Peru demographic data from 2007 census. Shapefile. princeton-70795g80r. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Peru from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and include...

42. Paraguay economic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay economic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-h128nn86b. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

43. Paraguay housing data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay housing data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-rf55zg853. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

44. Paraguay transportation data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay transportation data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-0z709461n. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

45. Paraguay social data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay social data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-mp48sm931. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

46. Paraguay migration data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay migration data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-w6634b79g. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

47. Paraguay demographic data from 2002 census

Princeton University Restricted content Paraguay demographic data from 2002 census. Shapefile. princeton-4q77g051w. 2002. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Paraguay from the 2002 census. This census is provided at the manzana administrative level (ADM6) and incl...

48. Nicaragua migration data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua migration data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-2801pq49z. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

49. Nicaragua demographic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua demographic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-pz50h426r. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

50. Nicaragua transportation data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua transportation data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-k643b832z. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

51. Nicaragua social data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua social data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-ff365d41c. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

52. Nicaragua economic data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua economic data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-6108vk41s. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

53. Nicaragua housing data from 2005 census

Princeton University Restricted content Nicaragua housing data from 2005 census. Shapefile. princeton-9s161f32g. 2005. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Nicaragua from the 2005 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (ADM4) and incl...

54. Argentina housing data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina housing data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-6d5703605. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

55. Argentina demographic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina demographic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-fx719t474. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

56. Argentina economic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina economic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-b5644z54t. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

57. Argentina migration data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina migration data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-2n49t769m. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

58. Argentina social data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Argentina social data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-z029pb71b. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population housing data for Argentina down to township, including 52408 vector polygons with native-language names and unique identifier c...

59. South America, west coast, sheet IX : Chile and Bolivia : Herradura to Grande Point

Princeton University Public content South America, west coast, sheet IX : Chile and Bolivia : Herradura to Grande Point. TIFF. [London] : Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, 1863. princeton-p8418q66f. 1863. Fitzroy, Robert, 1805-1865. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. "Published according to Act of Parliament ... Septr. 15th 1840. Additions to 1857. Decr. 1863....

60. South America, west coast, sheet III : from the Gulf of Peñas to the Guaytecas Islands

Princeton University Public content South America, west coast, sheet III : from the Gulf of Peñas to the Guaytecas Islands. TIFF. [London] : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty ; Sold by R.B. Bate, agent for the Admiralty charts, Jany. 24th 1841. princeton-9c67wq26b. 1841. Fitzroy, Robert, 1805-1865. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. "1825"--Lower left margin. "From Kelly Harbour to Tres Montes is taken from the Beagle survey ...

61. West coast of South America, sheet II : from the Gulf of Trinidad to the Gulf of Peñas

Princeton University Public content West coast of South America, sheet II : from the Gulf of Trinidad to the Gulf of Peñas. TIFF. [London] : Published ... at the Hydrographical Office of the Admiralty : Sold by J.D. Potter, agent for the Admiralty charts ... ; and H. King ... , 1859. princeton-f1881p35k. 1859. King, Philip Parker, 1793-1856. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. "Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographical Office of the Admiralty ... Se...

62. Chile Census 2002

Collection Stanford University Public content Chile Census 2002. stanford-ny765yy3412. 2018. East View Cartographic, Inc and Chile Dirección de Estadística y Censos. This collection contains shapefiles representing key statistics from the 2002 Census of the Chile (Censo Nacional de Población, Hogares y Viviendas...

63. South America, west coast, sheet IV : Chile, Guaytecas Islands to Pt. S. Antonio

Princeton University Public content South America, west coast, sheet IV : Chile, Guaytecas Islands to Pt. S. Antonio. TIFF. [London] : Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, 1840. princeton-xg94hr997. 1840. Fitzroy, Robert, 1805-1865. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. "Published according to Act of Parliament ... Decr. 30th 1840. Sold by R.B. Bate, agent for th...

64. South America, west coast : sheet V, Chile : Pt. S. Antonio to Pt. Tucapel

Princeton University Public content South America, west coast : sheet V, Chile : Pt. S. Antonio to Pt. Tucapel. TIFF. [London] : Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty ... ; Sold by R.B. Bate, agent for the Admiralty charts ... , 1840. princeton-c821gn22c. 1840. Great Britain. Hydrographic Dept. Relief shown by hachures; depths shown by soundings. "Published according to Act of Parliament ... Sepr. 15th, 1840." In lower left corner: 1374. I...

65. South America, west coast : sheet VI, Chile : Tucapel Point to Point Lora

Princeton University Public content South America, west coast : sheet VI, Chile : Tucapel Point to Point Lora. TIFF. [London] : Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty ... ; Sold by J. D. Potter, agent for the Admiralty Charts ... , 1863. princeton-bn999864d. 1863. Great Britain. Hydrographic Dept. Relief shown by hachures and soundings. "Published according to Act of Parliament ... Augst. 24th. 1840. Corrections Feb. 1863." In lower right cor...

66. Chile, 1974 (with relief)

Princeton University Public content Chile, 1974 (with relief). TIFF. Central Intelligence Agency. princeton-h989r468r. 1974. Central Intelligence Agency. This is a map of Chile with relief. The map was created by the Central Intelligence Agency.

67. Johnson's Venezuela, New Granada, Ecuador, Peru & Bolivia, Chile and Guiana

Princeton University Public content Johnson's Venezuela, New Granada, Ecuador, Peru & Bolivia, Chile and Guiana. TIFF. [ New York] : Johnson & Browning, c [1860]. princeton-n296x157s. 1860. Johnson, A. J. (Alvin Jewett), 1827-1884. Relief shown by hachures. Inset maps: Chile -- City of Lima. Inset views: Juan Fernandez or Mas a Tierra -- City of Valparaiso. Prime meridians: Gr...

68. El Salvador housing data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador housing data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-mg74qt09h. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

69. Dominican Republic demographic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic demographic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-hq37vv57q. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

70. Dominican Republic housing data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic housing data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-8623j4732. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

71. Dominican Republic migration data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic migration data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-4j03d5645. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

72. Dominican Republic social data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic social data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-0r967973d. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

73. El Salvador economic data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador economic data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-r781wp02p. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

74. El Salvador social data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador social data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-c247f0085. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

75. El Salvador transportation data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador transportation data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-79408416z. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

76. El Salvador demographic data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador demographic data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-w0892h93t. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

77. El Salvador migration data from 2007 Census

Princeton University Restricted content El Salvador migration data from 2007 Census. Shapefile. princeton-gq67jz17f. 2007. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for El Salvador from the 2007 census. This census is provided at the municipal administrative level (ADM2) and...

78. Dominican Republic economic data from 2010 census

Princeton University Restricted content Dominican Republic economic data from 2010 census. Shapefile. princeton-cz30q064d. 2010. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for the Dominican Republic from the 2010 census. This census is provided at the barrio administrative level (A...

79. Costa Rica demographic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica demographic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-5d86p6211. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

80. Costa Rica economic data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica economic data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-1r66j711n. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

81. Costa Rica social data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica social data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-ng451q507. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

82. Costa Rica migration data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica migration data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-s7526k40b. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

83. Costa Rica housing data from 2011 census

Princeton University Restricted content Costa Rica housing data from 2011 census. Shapefile. princeton-x059cf32j. 2011. East View Geospatial. Official population and housing data for Costa Rica from the 2011 census. This census is provided at the district administrative level (ADM3) and i...

84. De Straat van Magellanes : met het Magellanisch landt en d'eilanden

Princeton University Public content De Straat van Magellanes : met het Magellanisch landt en d'eilanden. TIFF. [Amsterdam : Halma, 1705]. princeton-x059c9824. 1705. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667. Relief shown pictorially. From: Algemeene weereld-beschryving, nae de rechte verdeeling der landschappen ... Op een gantsch nieuw, zeer klaere ordr...

85. South America (southern sheet)

Princeton University Public content South America (southern sheet). TIFF. [Edinburgh ; London : W. & A. K. Johnston, 1884]. princeton-t435gg44w. 1884. Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871. Map of southern South America; relief shown by hachures. Plate 75 from: The royal atlas of modern geography ... / by Alexander Keith Johnston. Edin...

86. The west coast of South America, from Valparaiso to Lima and Panama : with the principal harbours on an enlarged scale, compiled from the latest surveys

Princeton University Public content The west coast of South America, from Valparaiso to Lima and Panama : with the principal harbours on an enlarged scale, compiled from the latest surveys. TIFF. London : Published ... by R. & W. Blachford, chartsellers to the Admiralty and Hon. East India Company at their Navigation Warehouse, no. 116, Minories, 1846. princeton-x920g030s. 1846. Blachford, Robert, active 1801-1840. Relief shown by hachures; depths by soundings. "Corrected to 1846." Oriented with north toward left. Inset maps: Truxillo to Panama. -- Road of Ant...

87. Port Papudo : Horcon and Quintero Bays

Princeton University Public content Port Papudo : Horcon and Quintero Bays. TIFF. [London] : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty, Augt. 18th, 1840. princeton-wd375z75g. 1840. Great Britain. Hydrographic Dept. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. In upper margin: South America. Coast of Chile by the officers of H.M.S. Beagle 1835. Historic...

88. Typus geographicus : Chili, Paraguay, Freti Magellanici &c.

Princeton University Public content Typus geographicus : Chili, Paraguay, Freti Magellanici &c. TIFF. Norib. [Nuremberg] : Editoribus Homannianis Heredibus, 1733. princeton-1544br53b. 1733. Ovalle, Alonso de, 1601-1651. Relief shown pictorially; depth shown by soundings. Includes inset of the Strait of Magellan.

89. Tractus australior Americæ Meridionalis, a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad Toraltum = Nieuwe perfecte pascaert van 't suyderlykste deel van Suyt America, van Rio de la Plata door de straet Magellaen tot Toral

Princeton University Public content Tractus australior Americæ Meridionalis, a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad Toraltum = Nieuwe perfecte pascaert van 't suyderlykste deel van Suyt America, van Rio de la Plata door de straet Magellaen tot Toral. TIFF. [Amsterdam : Frederick De Wit, 1675]. princeton-4x51hk931. 1675. Wit, Frederik de. Includes decorative cartouche and illustrations of ships. From: Orbis maritimus ofte zee atlas. Amsterdam : F. de Wit, 1675. Publication date from ...

90. Chili

Princeton University Public content Chili. TIFF. [London : John Ogilby, 1671]. princeton-df65vb30j. 1671. Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683. Relief shown pictorially. Arnold Montanus's maps from his atlas were sold separately and were included in John Ogilby's "America: being the latest ...

91. Chile census areas, 2017 (Zonas Censales)

Princeton University Restricted content Chile census areas, 2017 (Zonas Censales). Shapefile. princeton-5t34sp578. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. The division of the Census District in urban areas, formed by a conglomerate of blocks. Its purpose is to facilitate the organization, control, and...

92. Chile census districts, 2017 (Distritos Censales)

Princeton University Restricted content Chile census districts, 2017 (Distritos Censales). Shapefile. princeton-pr76f741r. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Census districts are sections into which the commune is divided for the ground operations of the Population and Housing Census and other surveys ge...

93. Tractus australior Americæ Meridionalis, a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad Toraltum = Nieuwe perfecte pascaert van 't suyderlykste deel van Suyt America, van Rio de la Plata door de straet Magellaen tot Toral

Princeton University Public content Tractus australior Americæ Meridionalis, a Rio de la Plata per Fretum Magellanicum ad Toraltum = Nieuwe perfecte pascaert van 't suyderlykste deel van Suyt America, van Rio de la Plata door de straet Magellaen tot Toral. TIFF. [Amsterdam] : Gedrukt by R. & I. Ottens, [1745]. princeton-j098zd555. 1745. Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750. Includes decorative cartouche and illustrations of ships. A later state of a map first published by Frederik de Wit in 1675. From: Atlas van zeevae...

94. Chart of a part of South America surveyed by order of the Rt. Honble. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, under the direction of Capt. P.P. King R.N. during the years 1826-30

Princeton University Public content Chart of a part of South America surveyed by order of the Rt. Honble. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, under the direction of Capt. P.P. King R.N. during the years 1826-30. TIFF. London : published for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society by John Murray, Albemarle Street, September 1831. princeton-q237hv428. 1831. Relief shown by hachures. Depth shown by soundings. Shows coasts of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and offshore islands. From: Journal of the Royal G...

95. Map of the district of Atacama, showing the territory in dispute between Chili & Bolivia

Princeton University Public content Map of the district of Atacama, showing the territory in dispute between Chili & Bolivia. TIFF. London : Edward Stanford, 1879. princeton-4f16c534z. 1879. Turner, W. J. (William John). Extent and boundaries of Peruvian, Bolivian, Chilean, and disputed territories are shown. Includes roads, railways, settlements, and salt lakes. Re...

96. Carte du Chili méridional, du Rio de la Plata des Patagons, et du Détroit de Magellan : ce qui fait l'extremité australe de l'Amérique Meridle

Princeton University Public content Carte du Chili méridional, du Rio de la Plata des Patagons, et du Détroit de Magellan : ce qui fait l'extremité australe de l'Amérique Meridle. TIFF. Venise : P. Santini, 1779. princeton-6108vd69g. 1779. Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian: [Ferro]. Detached from P. Santini. Atlas universal dressé sur les meilleures cartes modernes. Venise : R...

97. Chile urban census boundaries, 2017 (Limite Urbano Censal)

Princeton University Restricted content Chile urban census boundaries, 2017 (Limite Urbano Censal). Shapefile. princeton-9k41zj50f. 2017. Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. In census terms, the census urban boundary (LUC) delimits the urban space in the territory to differentiate it from the rural areas, to execute the...

98. Chili, La Plata or the Argentine Republic & Bolivia

Princeton University Public content Chili, La Plata or the Argentine Republic & Bolivia. TIFF. Edinburgh : Published by A. & C. Black, [1854]. princeton-wd375z73h. 1854. Hall, Sidney. Relief shown by hachures. Numbered LIII. From: General atlas of the world ... / engraved on steel by Sidney Hall ... New edition. Edinburgh : Adam ...

99. Chili, the Argentine Republic, & Bolivia (south section)

Princeton University Public content Chili, the Argentine Republic, & Bolivia (south section). TIFF. [Edinburgh? : Published by A. & C. Black?, 1889?]. princeton-4q77ft796. 1889. Bartholomew, John, 1805-1861. In margin: 50. Relief shown by hachures. Probably issued in: General atlas of the world ... [Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 1889?] John Bartho...

100. Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Princeton University Public content Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. TIFF. [Chicago] : Rand, McNally & Co., c1904. princeton-02870z32v. 1904. Rand McNally and Company. Relief shown by hachures. In margin of map: Rand-McNally indexed atlas. [Argentine Republic, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay]. 338-339. Includes inset...