This data represents zoning for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin in 2019 and includes the layers 'Eau_Claire_Airport_2019' and 'Eau_Claire_General_2019'.[Airport: Airport Zones within the 3 mile airport zoning area surrounding the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport.The airport zones GIS layers from 2013 were used as a starting point to create this more spatially accurate AirportZones layer. The 2013 data along with the Eau Claire County code was used as reference to create the spatially accurate zone boundaries aligned with PLSS, parcel, and street features. The resulting accurate zoning boundaries are better suited for local decision making.General: The zoning information in this data set was compiled by combining existing parcel data, legal descriptions, request for rezoning documents, and mylar zoning maps. Zone boundaries that do not follow existing parcel lines were derived from descriptions in zoning documents, certified survey maps, and using mylar zoning maps as reference.]