Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University
[Preliminary map of Syria drawn for the Princeton University expedition to Syria 1899-1909] / [surveyed attributed to Robert Garrett] ; place names by Howard Crosby Butler (GeoTIFF)
- Author(s):
- Butler, Howard Crosby, 1879-1922
- Publisher:
- [Princeton, NJ] : Howard Crosby Buttler Archive, 1899-1905
- Access:
- Public
- Description:
- Relief is shown by hachures, and spot heights. This manuscript topographic map shows the physical features of the area.It was probably drafted for the Archaeological expeditions to Syria 1899-1909 conducted under the direction of professor Howard Crosby Butler, Princeton University Class of 1892. The map is kept in the Howard Crosby Butler Archive, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University. Note in the lower right: “On this map, the names in purple ink are those of places visited, or sighted from two or more points with a prismatic compass, by the American or Princeton Expeditions. In the North, the mountain groups designated as the Djebel il-Âla, Dj. Basîha, Dj. Halakah, Dj. Sim[e]ân, Dj. -il-Hass, Dj. Shbêt, Dj. Rîha and il-Alâ, were all surveyed with transit instrument. In all other cases, the locations of places was determined by a route survey, distances being taken by time, and direction by prismatic compass. Blue ink denotes watercourses or dry wadis noted on route surveys, Outside the districts named above, all mountains are drawn from notes only. –H.C. Butler.”
- Place(s):
- Syria
- Held by:
- Princeton
- Rights Statement:
- No Known Copyright
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