Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University
Γενικός χάρτης τῆς Ελλάδος κλίμαξ 1:250.000 / Συνετέθη ὑπό τῆς Γ.Υ.Σ ἐκ τοῦ ἀντιστοίχου Φύλλου χάρτου Στρατιωτικῆς χρήσεως.
- Author(s):
- Greece. Stratos. Geōgraphikē Hypēresia and Γεωγραφική ὑπηρεσία στρατού
- Publisher:
- Athēna : Geographikē Hypēresia Stratou, 1969-1993.
- Access:
- Restricted
- Description:
- Title devised by cataloger. Relief shown by contours, shading, spot heights, and gradient tints. Depth shown by isolines. Sheets individually subtitled in margins, for example: 1:250.000 Kissamos Hellas = 1:250.000 Kissamos Greece. 1:250.000 ΚΙΣΣΑΜΟΣ ΕΛΛΑΣ. Compilation, edition, and printing statement in Greek and English on left margin of some sheets; for example: Synetethē hypo tēs G.Hy.S. ek tou antistoichou Fullou chartou Stratiōtikēs chrēseōs, ekdoseōs 1975, kai avetheōrēthē ex aerofōtografiōn lēpseōs 1972. = Compiled by HMGS with data taken from the corresponding military use map sheet, edition 1975, and revised from vertical aerial stereophotographs in 1972. Συνέτεθη ὑπὸ τῆς Γ.Υ.Σ. ἐκ τοῦ ἀντιστοίχου Φύλλου χάρτου Στρατιωτικῆς χρήσεως, ἐκδόσεως 1975, καί ἀνεθεωρήθη ἐξ ἀεροφωτογραφιῶν λήψεως 1972. Edition statement and printing date in Greek and English in small box on left margin of some sheets; for example: ekdosis GHyS-1975, exetupōthē hypo tēs GHyS-11-1975 = edition HAGS-1975, printed by HAGS-11-1975. ἔκδοσις ΓΥΣ-1975, ἐξετυπώθη ὑπὸ τῆς ΓΥΣ-11-1975. Each sheet includes red stamp : Genikēs chrēseōs. ΓΕΝΙΚΗΣ ΧΡΗΣΕΩΣ (Genikēs chrēseōs = General use). Some sheets include notes, boundary diagram, sheet index diagram, legend, key to abbreviations, and colophon overprinted in black.
- Place(s):
- Greece
- Subject(s):
- Greece and Greece—Maps
- Call number:
- G6811.C2 s250 .G4H9
- Held by:
- Princeton
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
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- Thumbnail: