Shows global groundwater vulnerability, groundwater recharge rate, coastal areas vulnerable to tsunamis, saline groundwater, freshwater lakes, and ice sheets. Map indicates the vulnerability level of groundwater resources and their sensitivity to natural disasters. Ancillary maps: Types of aquifers -- Mean annual groundwater recharge. Upper left: UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Hydrological Programme; BGR. Logos of IAH/AIH, IUGS UNESCO, CCGM/CGMW, and IAEA in upper right. "The map is the result of a joint effort of the projects "Groundwater for Emergency Situations" (GWES) and the "World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme" (WHYMAP). GWES is a UNESCO International Hydrogeological Programme (IHP) project ..." "Spheroid WGS84." "Reduced special edition, full-scale 1:25 000 000.Extracted from World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme (WHYMAP)" Accompanying CD-ROM: The global map of groundwater vulnerability to floods and droughts. Paris : UNESCO, 2015. Includes text. Explanatory notes are also available: