Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University
Map of the south-western portion of the United States, and of Sonora and Chihuahua to illustrate the paper by Dr. W. A. Bell
- Author(s):
- Ravenstein, Ernst Georg, 1834-1913
- Publisher:
- London : published for the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, by J. Murray, Albemarle Street, 1870.
- Access:
- Public
- Description:
- Relief shown by shading. Dr. Bell's route in 1867-68 shown in red. Includes inset: "Lower California continued". Baja California Peninsula shown from ca. 26° N latitude to southern end. International and state boundaries are shown. Longitudes west from Greenwich and west from Washington are shown. From: Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. 39 (1869), pp. 95-120; held in Firestone Library. Call number: G7 .J687
- Place(s):
- Southwest, New and Mexico
- Subject(s):
- Great Basin—Description and travel—Maps, Colorado River Watershed (Colo.-Mexico)—Description and travel—Maps, Kansas Pacific Railway Company, Southwest, New—Maps, Sonora (Mexico : State)—Maps, Chihuahua (Mexico : State)—Maps, Baja California (Mexico : State)—Maps, and Topographic maps
- Call number:
- G4212.G7C2 1870 .R6
- Held by:
- Princeton
- Rights Statement:
- No Known Copyright
Princeton University Library reasonably believes that the Item is not restricted by copyright or related rights, but a conclusive determination could not be made.
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