Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University
Chile communes, 2017 (Comuna)
- Author(s):
- Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
- Access:
- Restricted
- Description:
- The communes may have urban, rural or mixed characteristics. In the territory of a commune there may be more than one urban center, be it a city (more than 5,000 inhabitants), a town (between 2,001 to 5,000 inhabitants), or other entities or forms of human settlement with rural characteristics. Its administration is the responsibility of the municipality, represented by the figure of the Mayor. To facilitate the survey, the National Statistics Institute divides the communes into census districts. As of 2016, there are 346 communes in the national territory, which are grouped into 54 provinces. [Las comunas pueden presentan características urbanas, rurales o mixtas. En el territorio de una comuna puede haber más de un centro urbano sea éste una ciudad (más de 5.000 habitantes), pueblo (entre 2.001 a 5.000 habitantes), u otras entidades o formas de asentamiento humano con características rurales. Su administración depende de la Municipalidad, representada por la figura del Alcalde.Para facilitar el levantamiento de encuestas, el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas divide las comunas en distritos censales.Al año 2016, existen 346 comunas en el territorio nacional, las cuales se agrupan en 54 provincias.]
- Place(s):
- Chile
- Subject(s):
- Boundaries and Planning and Cadastral
- Year:
- 2017, 2016, and 2016
- Held by:
- Princeton
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
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