"Projection Double Transverse Mercator (Long. orig.: 16°E, lat. orig.: 0°, échelle: 0.949055, FE : FN : 0) - WGS84." Map shows geologic formations, and major ore deposits. "Mai 2004 May". "The geological legend at 1:10,000,000 published in the framework of the 20th Colloquium of African Geology (2-7 June 2004, BRGM Orléans, France) synthesizes published national and international maps as well as scientific works of scientific teams including unpublished BRGM data." Note for "This chrono-lithological scale of maps at 1:4,000,000 published in the African Colloquium of African Geology (2-7 June 2004, BRGM Orléans, France) is common to the sub-regions of Africa. It synthesizes published national and international maps as well as scientific works of different teams including unpublished BRGM data.". "Data relative to of the mineral resources are issued from various resources: national, and mineral resources maps and scientific and economic publications". "Carte publiée à l'occasion du 20ème Colloque de géologie africaine (2-7 juin 2004, BRGM Orléans, France)..." "This map is not an authority for international boundaries".