Digital Maps and Geospatial Data | Princeton University
Chile regions, 2017 (Region)
- Author(s):
- Chile, National Institute of Statistics/Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
- Access:
- Restricted
- Description:
- The Region is the territory organized around a central place with relatively homogeneous spatial physical characteristics, with a greater subnational dimension, whose economic, social, and cultural interests are legally complementary for purposes of government and territorial administration. It is divided into provinces and must have a capital city that is the seat of its authorities: the Regional Intendant and, since 1992, the Regional Government, as well as other institutions, belonging to this territorial unit. Currently there are 15 regions in the country, each with its respective capital.[La Región es el territorio organizado en torno a un lugar central con características físico espaciales relativamente homogéneas, de mayor dimensión subnacional, cuyos intereses económicos, sociales y culturales se complementan jurídicamente para fines de gobierno y administración territorial. Se divide en provincias y debe contar con una ciudad capital que constituye la sede de sus autoridades; el Intendente Regional y, desde 1992, el Gobierno Regional, además de otras instituciones, propias de esta unidad territorial. Actualmente existen 15 regiones en el país, cada una con sus respectivas capitales.]
- Place(s):
- Chile
- Subject(s):
- Boundaries
- Year:
- 2017, 2016, and 2016
- Held by:
- Princeton
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
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