With “Fol 65” (top left). Issued in: West-Indische Spieghel / Athanasium Inga. -- Amsterdam, 1624. With “Fol 51” (top left). Issued in: Journalen van drie Voyagien,: te weten: 1. Van Mr. Thomas Candish...2. Vande Heer Fransoys Draeck... 3. ... vanden Admirael Iaques L'Heremite. -- Amsterdam: Iacob Pietersz Wachter, 1643. Wagner 292; Leighly 3 (Plate II); UCB; Burden 210 (Plate 210); Sabin 34722. California with broad, flat northern coast, and coastal place names. Suggestion of an unnamed passage to north. First map to name the Hudson River, Martha's Vineyard, New Mexico, Monterey and San Diego, California. First use of: Po Sr. Francisco Drac. instead of Bahia de San Francisco. Engraved by: A. Goos sculpsit (lower right). Unusual feature: Although the map is in Latin, it includes English around Hudson’s Bay: “Here Hudson Anno ibit wintered” and “the Bay of Gods Mercies” (possibly elsewhere).