Relief shown pictorially. Coordinates approximate and based on Greenwich meridian. 2 bar scales on map, given in "stadia Sinensia" and "milliaria Germanica". Shows topography, drainage, coastline, islands, political boundaries. Features Great Wall of China. Includes legend. Decorative cartouches, including figures in native dress. Collector's note: Richly embellished map of the province of Peking that appeared in the first European atlas of China. The atlas was "based on Chinese sources, [and] was far in advance of any previous European work. For the period it was remarkably accurate, ... "(Tooley). Blaeu obtained most of the data for this atlas from the Italian Jesuit, Martino Martini, who traveled to China as a youth, became the Superior at Hang-Chow, and was given access to Chinese cartographic information. The Great Wall can be seen along the northern border of the map. Its cartouche incorporates a regal Chinese couple within an elaborate tableau.