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2. [Collection of NASA ERTS images of the Red Sea area, Gulf of Aden area and parts of the Arabian Peninsula]
3. [Collection of NASA ERTS images of the Red Sea area, Gulf of Aden area and parts of the Arabian Peninsula]
4. Bolivia 1:50,000: Comunidad Villa Copacabana, hoja 6150 IV. Serie H731.

5. Carte Des Isles Moluques, 1780
6. Grayson County, Texas land parcels, 2014

7. Hydro (Polygon) Fond du Lac County, WI 2010
8. Major Shanghai Buildings before 1949

9. New Jersey (Surface Water Discharges, 2002)
10. Public Schools, San Francisco, California, 2013

11. Right of Way (ROW) Douglas County, WI 2010
12. Roads Chippewa County, WI 2017
13. "A" diagram of a portion of Oregon Territory

14. "The Times" map of the Russo-Japanese war
15. 'Geographia' street plan of Nottingham

16. 'Miniplan' Tokyo

17. 'T NOORDER DEEL van AMERIKA Door C. Kolumbus in zyn Eerste Togt Ontdekt en desselfs Kusten en Voor-Eylanden een en andermaal bevaaren.
18. 'T Westersche deel vande Witte-Zee begrijpende de Zeecusten van Laplandt van Warsiga vergij Ombaij tot Kandelox en de Custe van Corelia daer tegen over
19. 'T gebiedt van Guadalajara, Niew Mexico, en Californie enz.
20. 'T gebiedt van Guadalajara, Niew Mexico, en Californie, enz

21. 't Noorder deel van WEST-INDIEN
22. (Composite Map of) A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple. C. Lempriere inv. & del. B Baron Sculp. To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty This Map is most humbly Inscribed by Your Majesty's most Dutiful, most Obedient, and most Humble Servant Henry Popple. London Engrav'd by Willm. Henry Toms & R.W. Seale 1733 (Raster Image)

23. (Composite Map of) Carte Generale Du Royaume De La Nouvelle Espagne depuis le Parallele de 16? jusqu'au Parallele de 38? (Latitude Nord). Dressee Sur des Observations Astronomiques et sur l'ensemble des Materiaux qui existoient a Mexico, au commencement de l'annee 1804. Par Alexandre de Humboldt. Ls. Aubert pere Scripsit. 1. and 1(bis). Dessine a Mexico par l'Auteur en 1804, perfectionne par le meme, par M.M. Friesen, Oltmanns, et Thuilier 1809. Grave par Barriere - et l'Ecriture par L. Aubert pere, a Paris (Raster Image)

24. (Composite Map) (Facsimile) Rocque's Map of London. 1746 (Raster Image)

25. (Composite image of) Views 1-164 San Francisco Aerial Views. 1937-1938 (Raster Image)

26. (Composite map) A map of the Kingdom of Ireland, divided into provinces counties and baronies. Southern section. Shewing the archbishopricks, bishopricks, cities, boroughs, market towns, villages, barracks, mountains, lakes, bays, rivers, bridges, ferries, passes, also the great, the branch & the by post roads together with the inland navigation, by J. Rocque, Chorographer to His Majesty. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, opposite Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, (1790?) (Raster Image)

27. (Composite of) (Cary's New Map of England And Wales, With Part Of Scotland) (Raster Image)

28. (Composite of) (Plan stolichnago goroda Sanktpeterburga s izobraheniem znatiieshikh onago prospektov, izdannyi trudami Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk i khudozhestv. Plan de la ville de St. Petersbourg avec ses principales vues dessine & grave sous la direction de l'Academie imperiale des sciences et des arts) (Raster Image)

29. (Composite of) A map of South America, containing Tierra-Firma, Guyana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia. From Mr d'Anville with several improvements and additions, and the newest discoveries London, printed for Robert Sayer, no. 53 Fleet Street, as the Act directs, July the 1st 1787 (Raster Image)

30. (Composite of) A map of the provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude, and Ellahabad comprehending the countries lying between Delhi, and the Bengal Provinces. Surveyed by Major James Rennell, Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India Company, and published by order of the court of directors of said company. By Andrew Dury, published 12th May, 1794 by Laurie & Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London. Wm. Haydon sculpt (Raster Image)

31. (Composite of) A new and correct map of Scotland or North Britain, with the post and military roads, divisions &ca. Drawn from the most approved surveys illustrated with many additional improvements, and regulated by the latest astronomical observations by Lieut. Campbell. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, no. 53 Fleet Street, as the Act directs 10 Jany. 1790 (Raster Image)

32. (Composite of) A new map of Hindoostan from the latest authorities. Chiefly from the actual surveys made by major James Rennell, Surveyor to the Hble. East India Company, of the Bengal Provinces, and of the countries lying between them and Delhy; the whole exhibiting all the military roads and passes, as well as the most accurate division of the British possessions in the East Indies. London, Published by Laurie & Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, 12th May, 1794. 2nd editn. corrected 1804 (Raster Image)

33. (Composite of) A new map of North America, with the West India Islands. Divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20. Jan. 1783 wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provices, governments &ca. which compose the British Dominions; laid down according to the latest surveys, and corrected from the original materials, of Goverr. Pownall, Membr. of Parliamt., 1783. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, Map, Chart & Printseller, no. 53, Fleet Street, as the Act directs August 15th 1786 (Raster Image)

34. (Composite of) Africa, with all its states, kingdoms, republics, regions, islands, and ca. Improved and inlarged from D'Anville's map; to which have been added a particular chart of the Gold coast, wherein are distinguished all the European forts and factories. By S. Boulton, and also a summary description relative to the trade and natural produce, manners and customs of the African continent and islands. London, printed for Robert Sayer, Fleet Street, as the Act directs, 6 Jany. 1787 (Raster Image)

35. (Composite of) An actual survey, of the provinces of Bengal, Bahar &c. By Major James Rennell, Engineer, Surveyor General to the Honourable the East India Company, published by permission of the court of directors, from a drawing in their possession; by A. Dury. Wm. Haydon sculpt. Published 12th May, 1794, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London (Raster Image)

36. (Composite of) Asia and its islands according to d'Anville; divided into empires, kingdoms, states, regions, &ca. with the European possessions and settlements in the East Indies and an exact delineation of all the discoveries made in the eastern parts by the English under Captn. Cook. (By Thomas Kitchin). London, printed for Robert Sayer, Fleet Street as the Act directs, 6 Jany. 1787

37. (Composite of) Carte de Moscovie. Dressee par Guillaume De l'Isle de l'Academie royale des Sciences a Son Excellence Monseigneur Andre Artemonides de Matueof Ministre d'Etat de sa Majeste Csarienne l'Empereur des Russes, son Lieutenant gnal. en la Principaute de Jaroslavie ... Par son tres humble et tres obeisst. Serviteur De l'Isle. A Paris, chez l'Auteur sur le Quai de l'Horologe, avec Privilege, 1706. Grave par Liebaux le fils. (Raster Image)

38. (Composite of) City of Quebec (Raster Image)

39. (Composite of) England and Wales, drawn from the most accurate surveys containing all the cities, boroughs, market towns & villages; in which are included all the improvements and observations both astronomical and topographical, which have been made by members of the Royal Society & others. Down to the present year, the whole corected & improv'd by John Rocque, Chorographer to his Majesty. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, Map & Printseller at the Golden Buck in Fleet Street, (1790?) (Raster Image)

40. (Composite of) Europe divided into its empires, kingdoms, states, republics &c. By Thos. Kitchin, Hydrographer to the King, with many additions and improvements from the latest surveys and observations. London, published by Robt. Sayer, Fleet Street, as the Act directs, Jany. 1st, 1787 (Raster Image)

41. (Composite of) Graeciae Antiquae tabula nova in qu a locorum situs tum ad distantias itinerarias tum ad observationes astronomicas exactus litorum fleocurae et alia id genus ad accuratas recentiorum rationes accomodatar sunt. Auctore Guillelmo Delisle, ex Regia Scientiarum Academia. Parisiis, apud Autorem in Ripa vulgo le Quai de l'horloge sub signo Aquilae Aurea, cum Privilegio advicennium, Oct. 17 (17)07-1708 (Raster Image)

42. (Composite of) Italy with the addition of the southern parts of Germany as far as Pettau in Stiria; Murlakia, Dalmatia, the adjacent countries, and all the Illyric Islands, by L.S. De la Rochette. 2d. edition describing the new divisions. London published by Willm. Faden, Geographer to the King and to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Charing Cross, Septr. 12th, 1800 (Raster Image)

43. (Composite of) Mapa dos Reynos de Portugal e Algarve. Feita sobre as Memorias topografica de D. Vasque de Cozuela as do P. Lacerda e varias outras. Por D. J.AB. Rizzi Zannoni da Sociedade Real de Gottinga, professor da geograf. A Paris, en Caza de M. Lattre, Rua de S Thiago a la Ciudad de Bordeaux. Marillier, in. Berthault, sculp. (178-?) (Raster Image)

44. (Composite of) The World on Mercator's projection. Drawn under the direction of Mr. Pinkerton by L. Hebert. Neele sculpt. 352 Strand. London: published 1812, by Cadell & Davies, Strand & Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Paternoster Row (Raster Image)

45. (Composite of) To His Royal Highness George Augustus Frederick ... This Topographical map of the Province of Lower Canada, shewing its division into Districts Counties, Seigniories, & Townships ... Is ... Most gratefully dedicated by .. Joseph Bouchette, His Majesty's Surveyor General of the Province & Lieutt. Colonel C.M. ... Published by W. Faden, Charing Cross, Augst. 12th. 1815. Engraved by J. Walker & Sons, 47 Bernard Street, Russell Square, London. J. Walker sculp. (with) Town of Three Rivers. (with) City of Quebec. (with) Town of Montreal .. (Raster Image)

46. (Composite) Das Konigreich Bayern desseitz des Rheins, nach den topographischen Karten des Konigl. Bayr. Generalquartiermeisterstabes vom Jahr 1853, entw. u gezeichnet in IV Blatter vom Major C. Radefeld, 1858. Gest. v. Th. Macht ..., W. Feuerstein ..., C. Wedermann (with) Wurzburg. (with Umgebung von Regensburg). Stich, Druck und Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts in Hildburghausen, (1860) (Raster Image)

47. (Corrèze) Égletons : echelle du 1/2.000e, plan topographique régulier

48. (East coast of Africa) The slave caravan route from Dar-es-Salam to Kilwa to accompany the paper by Captn. F. Elton